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Can’t get Guitar Hero III for the Wii? Frets on Fire will ease your pain.

My wrists are cramp­ing. The key­board was not designed to be used like this, but I’m hav­ing a blast! Damn you Frets on Fire! I’ve been look­ing for­ward to get­ting Gui­tar Hero III for the Wii since before Christ­mas. But, as any­one not liv­ing under a rock will know, GH3 has been sold out every­where…

My wrists are cramp­ing. The key­board was not designed to be used like this, but I’m hav­ing a blast! Damn you Frets on Fire!

I’ve been look­ing for­ward to get­ting Gui­tar Hero III for the Wii since before Christ­mas. But, as any­one not liv­ing under a rock will know, GH3 has been sold out every­where since its release.

Per­haps, Act­i­v­i­sion (the pub­lish­er) is hold­ing up ship­ments until they get through fix­ing the mono out­put bug.

Until that time, I’ll have to make do with Frets on Fire, an Open Source and freely down­load­able Gui­tar Hero clone for Win­dows, Linux and Mac.

The I tried it last night, and must admit, it’s a blast! A fairly simple game, you hold your key­board sim­il­ar to a gui­tar, with the fin­gers of your left hand curl­ing around the key­board (from the back to the front) to hit your ‘frets’ (F1 — F5 keys). The Enter key is your ‘pick’.

The rest is all in the timing.

There’s a pretty enter­tain­ing tutori­al, and three songs included, as is a song edit­or. Music packs are also avail­able online, from the usu­al bit­tor­rent sources. And you can also import tracks from any of your Gui­tar Hero DVDs. Very cool.

Frets on Fire will also let you use your USB Gui­tar, should you already have one. Alas, I don’t, so I’ll have to get used to hold­ing that damn keyboard…

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8 responses to “Can’t get Guitar Hero III for the Wii? Frets on Fire will ease your pain.”

  1. Kaslo Avatar

    Too funny… I found FoF a few days ago. It’s a blast, but the “key­board as Gui­tar” inter­face isn’t so hot on a laptop.

  2. Kaslo Avatar

    Too funny. I found Frets on Fire a few nights back. Pretty good clone of GH. Too bad the “key­board as gui­tar” concept does­n’t port over to a laptop as well as a desktop keyboard…

  3. Kaslo Avatar

    Is there an echo in here???

  4. Brad Grier Avatar

    Heh…there may be? An oddness no?

  5. Julie, writer Avatar

    I sup­pose a gui­tar hero must do what a gui­tar hero must do! It’s amaz­ing how many innov­a­tions people can come up with. It makes me won­der if the maker (s) of Frets on Fire have anti­cip­ated the short sup­ply of Gui­tar Hero III and so decided to cre­ate some­thing to occupy their time while wait­ing for the actu­al product to be re-sup­plied again.

  6. Frets On Fire Avatar

    Frets on Fire is a great game, for those who can­’t play GH3, frets on fire will make you really happy, you also can play GH3 songs on frets on Fire, lot of mods, mul­ti­play­er mode, i also have Frets on Fire mods mul­ti­play­er, really awesome 🙂

    Frets On Fires last blog post..Down­load Frets On Fire Mods

  7. bgrier Avatar

    @Frets On Fire -
    Yeah, I’ve since played a bit of GH, and actu­ally like the open-ness of Frets on Fire. More songs, vari­ous options..etc.

  8. cheapguitarstore Avatar

    Frets On Fire­is a blast. I read your post and went to try it out. Thanks for the suggestion!

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