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To everything, there is a time…but make sure you make time.

Heidi Miller has a great post on the need to ‘step away from the com­puter’ from time to time…and I heart­ily concur. It was a tough case, and I battled it for weeks. The first-round treat­ments did­n’t work–unplugging only called in armies of pod­caster­’s guilt. But in time, the dis­ease ran its course. The best…

Heidi Miller has a great post on the need to ‘step away from the com­puter’ from time to time…and I heart­ily concur.

It was a tough case, and I battled it for weeks. The first-round treat­ments did­n’t work–unplugging only called in armies of pod­caster­’s guilt. But in time, the dis­ease ran its course. The best treat­ments, I’ve dis­covered, are week­ends spent camp­ing bare­foot and Sunday brunches with friends.

Me? I’m in the middle of kit­chen renov­a­tions that hap­pen to include a train derail­ment and two overly pampered mini­ature Daschunds.






2 responses to “To everything, there is a time…but make sure you make time.”

  1. Heidi Miller Avatar

    Good for you! Ham­mer in a nail or something!

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Heh, thanks Heidi! Walls are being painted, cup­boards have been removed, new range has arrived and new cup­boards are being delivered tomor­row. Am get­ting away from it all… 😉

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