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Call Mom for free on Mother’s Day

You may remem­ber last year Skype ran a free pro­mo­tion encour­aging the use of the Skype online tele­phony ser­vice to call POTS (Plain Old Tele­phone Ser­vice) and cel phones any­where, for free. It was a good deal and a great test of the Skype service. Well, the pro­mo­tion is back, for one day only (Moth­ers…

You may remem­ber last year Skype ran a free pro­mo­tion encour­aging the use of the Skype online tele­phony ser­vice to call POTS (Plain Old Tele­phone Ser­vice) and cel phones any­where, for free. It was a good deal and a great test of the Skype service.

Well, the pro­mo­tion is back, for one day only (Moth­ers Day), and exclus­ively to callers from North America.

Obvi­ously you can use this free day to call more people than just Mom, but I’d be wor­ried if Skype knew my mom’s number 🙂

Any­way, a free­bie is a free­bie. Enjoy.

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