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Select Mac Applications: Subtle Yet Significant Solutions

Some free, one paid, and a subscription. Worth checking out.

Here’s a list of a few mac apps I have installed and use often. Not all are your reg­u­lar com­mer­cial apps, and some are very helpful!

Name Type Descrip­tion Best Fea­tures Price
NoMa­chine Remote Desktop Remote desktop soft­ware for access­ing your com­puter from anywhere. High-speed per­form­ance, cross-plat­form compatibility. Free
Raycast Pro­ductiv­ity Key­board-driv­en pro­ductiv­ity tool that replaces Spotlight. Cus­tom­iz­able com­mands, fast app launcher. Freem­i­um
Joplin Pro­ductiv­ity Open-source note-tak­ing and to-do app with encryption. Mark­down sup­port, end-to-end encryption. Free
Find Any File Search Tool Advanced file search util­ity for macOS, find­ing files not indexed by Spotlight. Search by vari­ous cri­ter­ia, fast and efficient. Paid
Last­Pass Secur­ity Pass­word man­ager that stores encryp­ted pass­words online. Auto-fill pass­words, secure pass­word sharing. Freem­i­um
Mullvad VPN Secur­ity Pri­vacy-focused VPN ser­vice with a strict no-logs policy. Anonym­ous account cre­ation, Wire­Guard support. Sub­scrip­tion
LuLu Secur­ity Free, open-source fire­wall for macOS. Block unau­thor­ized out­go­ing con­nec­tions, simple setup. Free
Auda­city Audio Edit­or Open-source, cross-plat­form audio soft­ware for multi-track edit­ing and recording. Wide range of effects, sup­port for vari­ous audio formats. Free
coconut­Bat­tery Sys­tem Utility Dis­plays detailed inform­a­tion about your Mac’s battery. Bat­tery his­tory, real-time monitoring. Free
Thonny Text Edit­or /IDE Python IDE for begin­ners, with a simple and clean interface. Built-in debug­ger, simple inter­face for beginners. Free
CodeEd­it Text Edit­or / IDE Like XCode, but light-weight and still full featured. Light-weight yet cap­able. Still in beta. Free






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