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Month: February 2016

  • Alien Frontiers — Colony paint complete

    Well, I fin­ished paint­ing the colony com­pon­ents. Look­ing at the pho­tos, they kinda look messy. Note to self, don’t rush, even if you have 40 of the little bug­gers to paint. Ah well, on the game board at nor­mal view­ing dis­tances they look ok. I did­n’t want to paint the ori­gin­als that came with the game so…

  • Painting the components of Alien Frontiers

    Recently I’ve become aware of a trend to paint the often gar­ishly-col­oured mini­atures and game com­pon­ents you find in mod­ern board games. My first attempt was with Mice and Mys­tics, and now I’m work­ing on Ali­en Frontiers. This time, I decided to pro­to­type my  col­our schemes digit­ally. To do this, pho­to­graphed the com­pon­ents just after prim­ing, so…

  • Ahh, the olde time computer days of Windows 3.1

    This week­end, the Inter­net Archive people, released a huge trove of Win­dows 3.1 applic­a­tions and games. Powered by a Javas­cript browser ver­sion of Dos­Box, these pro­grams load and run in any mod­ern browser. And there goes the weekend… Source: Soft­ware Lib­rary: Win­dows 3.x : Free Soft­ware : Down­load & Stream­ing : Inter­net Archive