Ok, this may seem a bit weird to regular readers of my blog, but I’m going to be archiving my coursework in my Berklee/Coursera programs on this blog.
Perhaps someone else will get some value out of it, or offer hints or suggestions for improvements. Either way, it’ll make it a very easy reference to me and my growth through this course
Coursera — Developing your musicianship — Peer Assignment 1 — Lesson One: Major Scale
Write in your own words the definitions of harmony, ear training, and interval.
Harmony — the relationship between notes played at the same time, or chords. Notes played together that create a generally pleasing sound is often called harmonious, and notes that don’t sound good together are often described as disharmonious. Harmonious notes are used to build a chord or chord progression.
Ear Training — The activity that teaches you to consistently, correctly identify a particular sound and associate it to a musical tone or equivalent sound from an instrument. Ear training will enable you to identify when a singer is singing off key, or on key.
Interval — The difference in pitch or tone between two notes. Using the 12 note scale, the interval can be expressed as either a WHOLE interval or HALF interval depending on which notes are used to make up the scale.
There is a specific pattern to the interval between notes in the 12 note scale: W‑W-H-W-W-W‑H.
In the key of C, a half interval exists between C and C#, and a whole interval exists between C and D. Wheras in the key of E, a half interval exists between E and F, and a whole interval exists between E and F#.
Find three recordings of songs in the key of C and post links to performances of them that you find on YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or a similar public video site.
- Coleoptera — Ostraka (John Keston) — https://soundcloud.com/ostraka/coleoptera
- Also Sprach Zarathustra — DeoDato / Strauss — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDutVaWRzZk
- True Colors — Cyndi Lauper — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPn0KFlbqX8
Some resources I found helpful to determine song key:
- Find the Key of a Song by Ear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bQouq9a_CA&feature=youtu.be
- http://chordify.net/
Write the C major scale on the staff by hand.
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