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(TYPE A OR B) WeeklyBeats9

Weekly­Beats sub­mis­sion for week 9. I may have gone over the top on this one. Intro is very heavy handed. Exper­i­mented with the new Z3TA+ synth for iPad, as well as the cur­rent stable; Thor, Sun­r­izer­XS, Nave, and a little Magel­lan. Lots of pans. Some com­pres­sion. A big exper­i­ment in many ways.… I hope you enjoy!…

Weekly­Beats sub­mis­sion for week 9. I may have gone over the top on this one. Intro is very heavy handed. Exper­i­mented with the new Z3TA+ synth for iPad, as well as the cur­rent stable; Thor, Sun­r­izer­XS, Nave, and a little Magel­lan. Lots of pans. Some com­pres­sion. A big exper­i­ment in many ways.… I hope you enjoy!

Album Art a shot from Artwick­’s ori­gin­al Flight Sim­u­lat­or for the Apple ][.

Update: Love the com­ment I received on it over at Weekly­Beats:

Nice! Soundtrack for the birth of a new galaxy! Sounds great in my ATH-M50s!



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