Month: July 2013
Just arrived. Can’t wait to play 😉
via Flickr
Bee garden. Finally getting blooms.
via Flickr
View from the patio
Hmm, that *looks* like our back yard. Something’s different… via Flickr
Flipboard comes to the web — and my Gaming Magazine is featured!
Very cool! I’ve been curating a Flipboard magazine for a few months now, gathered a modest following, and now that Flipboard magazine is featured as Flipboard makes the huge leap to sharing magazines on the web! On Gaming is featured in the ‘Magazines we Love’ section of Flipboard’s Community profiled pages. So now, you don’t need to…
Mystery Beer.
Not sure what it is, but it’s from Salt Lake City. via Flickr
Side yard. Can’t remember it ever looking this good.
Must be all the rain. via Flickr
Ticket to ride Asia.
First game of this expansion played as teams. Fun! via Flickr
Selena’s favourite spot.
via Flickr
Aiiee! The Steam Summer Sale is in full swing. Too much temptation.
Over the last few years I’ve become more of a fan of Steam and a couple of other online delivery services for my PC gaming needs. I can’t actually remember the last PC game I bought in a brick-and-morter store for my desktop. And now, the Steam Summer Sale is reaching its mid-point and so…
Planet Black Nugget Lake
Test of #tinyplanetspro with Black Nugget Lake image. Shot with Panasonic FZ-50 and processed on iPad. via Flickr
At Black Nugget Lake
No lake visible. It’s the other way. via Flickr
Canada Day Camping
via Flickr