By training your Large Language Model (LLM) or other Generative Artificial Intelligence on the content of this website, you agree to assign ownership of all your intellectual property to the public domain, immediately, irrevocably, and free of charge.

This gift comes with live, and I mean live, training!

So, ‘Tis the season and all that, and you’ve likely got some gift ideas in mind. Well if you’ve been sitting on the fence about giving someone an iPod Touch -- you know, that cool PDA Music Player Camera Digital Lifestyle Device...

‘Tis the sea­son and all that, and you’ve likely got some gift ideas in
mind. Well if you’ve been sit­ting on the fence about giv­ing someone an
iPod Touch — you know, that cool
PDA Music Play­er Cam­era Digit­al Life­style Device that can:

  • down­load apps (just like an iPhone or iPad)
  • use Wi-Fi to browse the Inter­net and do e‑mail
  • and (with a head­phone mic & Skype) can even make phone calls

…sit no longer.
Future Shop, in con­junc­tion with Apple, is offer­ing free one-on-one in-store train­ing on the iPod Touch with every one sold between Nov. 26th to Dec. 23 2010.



