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Blown away by the power of ‘Free’

In the com­puter / tech space these days, it seems that free is rather com­mon­place; free OS, free apps, free cloud ser­vices etc. Free tools. Therein lies the power if we choose to recog­nize it. Ahh, but the kids these days; they just don’t real­ize how good they have it. I’m sure you’ve all heard…

In the com­puter / tech space these days, it seems that free is rather com­mon­place; free OS, free apps, free cloud ser­vices etc. Free tools. Therein lies the power if we choose to recog­nize it. Ahh, but the kids these days; they just don’t real­ize how good they have it. I’m sure you’ve all heard pro­found state­ments about how the mod­ern door­bell has more com­put­ing power than NASA did when they landed a man on the moon. Com­puters have really changed things; yet they’re still only tools. …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.







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