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Coming soon to a YouTube near you — Assassin’s Creed: Lineage

Today, the developer/publisher has deb­uted the first of three Assas­sin’s Creed: Lin­eage short films on You­Tube (click here) that expand the fic­tion even fur­ther.  They reveal the char­ac­ters and events that lead up to Assas­sin’s Creed II — primar­ily involving the fath­er of the game’s prot­ag­on­ist, Ezio, dur­ing the Itali­an Renais­sance period. via I…

Today, the developer/publisher has deb­uted the first of three Assas­sin’s Creed: Lin­eage short films on You­Tube (click here) that expand the fic­tion even fur­ther.  They reveal the char­ac­ters and events that lead up to Assas­sin’s Creed II — primar­ily involving the fath­er of the game’s prot­ag­on­ist, Ezio, dur­ing the Itali­an Renais­sance period.


I loved the set­ting and pro­duc­tion val­ues in the game. Might be interesting.








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