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Month: December 2008

  • Top of the World Provincial Park (2008)

    I decided to take a scan through some pho­tos from earli­er this year. This one from our sum­mer vaca­tion stuck with me as one that I could play with. And I did. Using Light­room again. A bit of Sepia. A bit of dodging and burn­ing, and I’m rather pleased with the result. There’s an east­er egg…

  • Light streaks in heavy ice fog on a very cold winter night

    After a great Fri­day even­ing with our good friends, we returned home to find this incred­ible ice fog over the city. The fog caught the über-bright lights from a loc­al RV deal­er­ship, cre­at­ing this rather nifty light­ing effect.

  • Songbird solves my multi-multimedia player dilemma

    Between home and work, I have vari­ous Win­dows, Linux and Macin­tosh com­puters. I cent­ral­ize my media on a Net­work Attached Stor­age (NAS) device, access­ible by all. As you can ima­gine, I use dif­fer­ent media play­ers on all. My biggest hurdle has been con­sist­ency in user exper­i­ence. I’ve had to run iTunes on the Mac, Win­amp, FooBar2000…

  • Alberta Legislature Ice Sculpture

    We went to the Alberta Legis­lature last Thursday to listen to A Joy­ful Noise choir — Tess sings in it. The night was warm and we parked at the oth­er end of the Leg. The Christ­mas lights were in all the trees, and in the centre foun­tain was this very neat (and col­our­fully lit) ice sculpture.

  • Two resources for planning your lunar photography evening

    A friend poin­ted me to this BBC art­icle about tonight’s full moon. It seems that tonight’s full moon event will occur when the Moon is the closest it’s been to the earth (dur­ing a full moon) in 15 years. Well, methinks. A per­fect time to get out the pho­to­graphy and tele­scopy equip­ment and cap­ture this event. But…

  • Getting Things Done with Gmail?

    Usu­ally Google Apps for Busi­ness is the last of Googles free online applic­a­tion suites to receive new fea­tures, but ever since Google enabled Google Labs with­in Apps for Busi­ness, new fea­tures are rolled at the same time. Today Gmail received a simple Task List manager: Like many of Google’s enhance­ments, it’s a very simple imple­ment­a­tion —…

  • CD Case Calendar (Dec. 2008)

    CD Case Cal­en­dar (Dec. 2008) Ori­gin­ally uploaded by bgri­er After explor­ing fd’s Flickr Toys a bit I redis­covered the cool CD Case Cal­en­dar applic­a­tion. Take one month Add one photo (Selena and Heloise at Christ­mas) Stir gently Viola!

  • Get back to where you want to be

    P1030481 Ori­gin­ally uploaded by bgri­er Today I picked up one tool that my pho­to­graphy kit­bag has been miss­ing for a while, a flash slave trigger. And this one of the first shots taken using it. Beer, of course 🙂 Slave was a Viv­itar 283 sit­ting about 60 degrees to the right of the glass, triggered by…

  • What to know when changing website hosts

    A couple of weeks ago I found the fol­low­ing in an email from my webhost: Your web host­ing account for has been deac­tiv­ated (reas­on: site caus­ing per­form­ance problems). Although your web site has been dis­abled, your data may still be avail­able for up to 15 days, after which it will be deleted. After a quick call…