Month: December 2008
Top of the World Provincial Park (2008)
I decided to take a scan through some photos from earlier this year. This one from our summer vacation stuck with me as one that I could play with. And I did. Using Lightroom again. A bit of Sepia. A bit of dodging and burning, and I’m rather pleased with the result. There’s an easter egg…
Light streaks in heavy ice fog on a very cold winter night
After a great Friday evening with our good friends, we returned home to find this incredible ice fog over the city. The fog caught the über-bright lights from a local RV dealership, creating this rather nifty lighting effect.
Songbird solves my multi-multimedia player dilemma
Between home and work, I have various Windows, Linux and Macintosh computers. I centralize my media on a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, accessible by all. As you can imagine, I use different media players on all. My biggest hurdle has been consistency in user experience. I’ve had to run iTunes on the Mac, Winamp, FooBar2000…
Alberta Legislature Ice Sculpture
We went to the Alberta Legislature last Thursday to listen to A Joyful Noise choir — Tess sings in it. The night was warm and we parked at the other end of the Leg. The Christmas lights were in all the trees, and in the centre fountain was this very neat (and colourfully lit) ice sculpture.
Two resources for planning your lunar photography evening
A friend pointed me to this BBC article about tonight’s full moon. It seems that tonight’s full moon event will occur when the Moon is the closest it’s been to the earth (during a full moon) in 15 years. Well, methinks. A perfect time to get out the photography and telescopy equipment and capture this event. But…
CD Case Calendar (Dec. 2008)
CD Case Calendar (Dec. 2008) Originally uploaded by bgrier After exploring fd’s Flickr Toys a bit I rediscovered the cool CD Case Calendar application. Take one month Add one photo (Selena and Heloise at Christmas) Stir gently Viola!
Get back to where you want to be
P1030481 Originally uploaded by bgrier Today I picked up one tool that my photography kitbag has been missing for a while, a flash slave trigger. And this one of the first shots taken using it. Beer, of course 🙂 Slave was a Vivitar 283 sitting about 60 degrees to the right of the glass, triggered by…