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Apple iPhone and iPod Touch viewers needed

I’ve just installed the iPhone and iPod Touch com­pat­ible theme/plugin for Word­Press (iWPhone) by Content.Robot, and have no way of test­ing it. There’s a Safari iPhone browser emu­lat­or avail­able if you’re run­ning a mac, but alas, I’m a PC guy. So, hence this call for test­ers; Is any­one out there able to hit this site and…

I’ve just installed the iPhone and iPod Touch com­pat­ible theme/plugin for Word­Press (iWPhone) by Content.Robot, and have no way of test­ing it. There’s a Safari iPhone browser emu­lat­or avail­able if you’re run­ning a mac, but alas, I’m a PC guy.

So, hence this call for test­ers; Is any­one out there able to hit this site and check it with an iPhone or iPod Touch? If so, and you have a spare moment, I’d appre­ci­ate a quick note/comment etc that you did and what your exper­i­ence was like.

There may be one com­plic­at­ing factor…I’m also run­ning Alex King’s excel­lent Word­Press Mobile Edi­tion plu­gin (which works great for most mobile browsers), but I’m not sure if it’ll con­flict, take over, or han­doff nicely to the iPhone.

So please, if you’re iPhone enabled, let me know how this blog looks (or even send a screen shot, if you can)! It would be appreciated.

Or, actu­ally, if you’re mobile enabled and have a free moment, a screen shot of this site on your mobile browser too would be appre­ci­ated. I’m plan­ning a fol­low-up to this post and will include shots received in it.






8 responses to “Apple iPhone and iPod Touch viewers needed”

  1. chris Avatar

    I shall do so. Once I have an iPhone. Which could be — man, feels like forever, this “wait­ing for an iPhone in Canada” thing.

  2. […] Apple iPhone and iPod Touch view­ers needed at / ego mobile […]

  3. Doug Stewart Avatar
    Doug Stewart

    Assum­ing Pass­port Canada does as they should, I’ll be in Boston and pick­ing up an iPhone* next week­end. If all goes well, I’ll get it back across the bor­der and “cracktiv­ate” it for Cana­dian use / send you a prop­er screen­shot. Since Mobile Safari on the Touch/iPhone uses Web­Kit and iPhony is only a skin for the Web­Kit frame­work, I can almost guar­an­tee that they will show up identic­ally in “zoomed out” mode.

    Wide view of the blog:
    Tall view of the blog:

    Safari 3 beta is out for Win­dows, I believe- you’ll also get the exact same ren­der­ing engine via that. It should sup­port page zoom­ing as well (or will come Octo­ber when it’s finally com­plete), so you can sim­u­late the Touch/iPhone view­port size there.

    * (minor rant on) The only thing the iPod Touch will have going for it is a slight bit of thin­ness over the iPhone and more mostly-use­less stor­age (in that for most people it will either be far too much, or far too little); what the Touch lacks are a cam­era, a micro­phone, a speak­er, bluetooth, cal­en­dar *input*, the mail app, the notes app (first iPod in 3 gen­er­a­tions that has­n’t had Notes), and a few others.

    Sure the iPhone apps are cross-com­pat­ible so people will move the apps over to the Touch with­in a week from now or soon­er if Apple does­n’t say it will, but Apple has basic­ally only agreed to non-aggres­sion, and not actu­al sup­port. Even if they did finally give sup­port for developers, and a prop­er SDK (yeah, maybe next year), the Touch seems to be a pretty lim­ited plat­form without all the extra hard­ware. The first iPhone app I know I’m out to make will be for voice memos.

  4. Brad Grier Avatar

    @Chris: Yeah, I know..Not that I’m in any rush…I may pick up a few 2GB cards for my Palm TX and I’ll be happy. I don’t mind hav­ing single pur­pose gad­gets (Cel, Nano, Palm). Also provides secur­ity. If Cel is out of juice, I can still access my contacts/calendar in my Palm.

    But yeah, I do want to play with the iTouch some day…but, as Doug men­tions, it needs a few more apps.

    @Doug: Thanks for those shots! And thanks for that ‘minor’ rant. I’ve been read­ing sim­il­ar and agree, the product really needs to mature or provide seam­less integ­ra­tion to iCal, Google Cal­en­dar, Out­look etc before it can achieve wide scale acceptance.

  5. Brad Grier Avatar
    Brad Grier

    Looks great on the iphone.

    And the name is cor­rect — I’m also Brad Gri­er — found this site when I typed in my old domain name of 🙂

  6. Brad Grier Avatar

    Whoa! Sorry about the tardy reply Brad — this one seems to have slipped through somehow…Cool name though ‘eh? 🙂

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