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The essential Palm Pilot file manager — free!

I like free. I also like great applic­a­tions that work as expec­ted, espe­cially when they’re free. Suf­fice to say, I like Palm Com­mand­er. Palm Com­mand­er used to be a com­mer­cial product, but the author has gra­ciously decided to give it away…so you will need a regis­tra­tion code to activ­ate it. Just fol­low the activ­a­tion link…

I like free. I also like great applic­a­tions that work as expec­ted, espe­cially when they’re free. Suf­fice to say, I like Palm Com­mand­er.

Palm Com­mand­er used to be a com­mer­cial product, but the author has gra­ciously decided to give it away…so you will need a regis­tra­tion code to activ­ate it. Just fol­low the activ­a­tion link and gen­er­ate the appro­pri­ate code.

I’ve been a fan of the ‘Com­mand­er’ style file man­age­ment sys­tem for years, both in the Linux envir­on­ment and the PC, so I was rather pleased to find one for the Palm, espe­cially as I was reor­gan­iz­ing my files on the little beast­ie, and it really does­n’t come with a tool that will do the job.

I’m not going to do a full review, but here’s a quick over­view of the way Palm Com­mand­er works.

The screen is divided into two pan­els, left and right. Basic­ally I can do things to a file on either side, or copy/move files between sides.

So, if I have some new text files or ebooks in a ‘down­load’ dir­ect­ory on the left, I can eas­ily drag them to the right pan­el, which may be show­ing a view of a folder on the memory card.

Obvi­ously, there are many more fea­tures (clipped from the web­site screen­shot gallery):

Main Screen
Zip/Unzip files
Col­or Schemas
Info Pan­el
One Pan­el Mode
Power Fil­ter
Data­base Parameters
Pro­gram Parameters
Pref­er­ences Edit­or (“Pal­mOS RegEdit”)
But­ton Launcher
Pro­gram Compression
Sys­tem Information
Bench­mark Test
Pass­word Protection
Fonts Sup­port
Vir­tu­al File System

I’ve only star­ted work­ing with this applic­a­tion, but so far, it does what I need it to do, and the price is right.

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