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Social Media site for PR practitioners

One of the pod­casts I listen to is For Imme­di­ate Release, an awe­some resource of import­ant news in social media. In edi­tion 237, there’s a brief men­tion of a new social media site for PR prac­tic­tion­ers — Ragan Com­mu­nic­a­tion’s ‘’. is in ‘beta’, and in some places it shows. The Fire­fox imple­ment­a­tion seems a…

One of the pod­casts I listen to is For Imme­di­ate Release, an awe­some resource of import­ant news in social media. In edi­tion 237, there’s a brief men­tion of a new social media site for PR prac­tic­tion­ers — Ragan Com­mu­nic­a­tion’’. is in ‘beta’, and in some places it shows. The Fire­fox imple­ment­a­tion seems a bit funky, with fonts chan­ging as edit posts, and page widths chan­ging as you jump between sections.

That being said, it’s also an awe­some resource!

First and fore­most, it’s a social media site for com­mu­nic­at­ors, so there’re lots of ways to com­mu­nic­ate: Chat, Mes­sages, For­ums, Groups, Bul­let­in Boards.

There’s also a Face­book like com­pon­ent where you can invite ‘friends’ and devel­op your own loose social net­work. Though Linked­In and Face­book do a bet­ter job of this.

What I find really cool, is the con­fig­ur­able pro­file page. This is where you can tell your story, pro­mote your­self and your organ­iz­a­tion, and really add your own per­son­al­ity to the site, includ­ing RSS feeds from your own sites and blogs.

Ok, so why would you add your­self to yet anoth­er social media site? Good ques­tion, and I’m not sure I really have a good answer yet. Face­book is the 500lb gor­illa with a lot of pol­ish on the bells and whistles — Myragan is a bit rough around the edges yet, as a beta can be.

But what may make this a bit dif­fer­ent, is that it’s a social media site for a par­tic­u­larly nar­row audi­ence — PR types.

To use the walled garden ana­logy, this is a nice safe place where PR types can hang out with their own, and speak their own lan­guage. And that may be enough to keep me here, engaged in yet anoth­er social media site.

UPDATE: and do check out the CanComm  group to con­nect with Cana­dian PR practitioners.

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2 responses to “Social Media site for PR practitioners”

  1. David Murray Avatar

    Thanks for the men­tion, Brad. We are work­ing out tech­nic­al details–as you said, this is a beta launch. But with almost no mar­ket­ing push (and Ragan knows mar­ket­ing pushes) we’ve got almost 1,200 people signed up in the first week.

    We’re all freak­ing out/happy as hell/excited for a whole new lively and con­stant con­ver­sa­tion with the com­mu­nic­at­ors we serve.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Dav­id, thanks for the comment!

    Looks like you folks do have a handle on it. I’m look­ing for­ward to par­ti­cip­at­ing in the devel­op­ment of this cool community.…and yeah, for a beta, grass­roots PR is very cool.

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