Tag: Simulator

  • Captain on the bridge

    About a year or so ago I down­loaded a nifty little PC game called Artemis — Star­ship Simulator. Actu­ally, that name’s a bit mis­lead­ing — it’s more of a Star Trek bridge crew sim­u­lat­or. There are oth­er reviews that cov­er it bet­ter, but suf­fice it to say it’s a cool game to bring to a…

  • Coolest indie game in development — update and video!

     My recent fling with the Kerbal Space Pro­gram is get­ting more ser­i­ous; they’ve released the much-anti­cip­ated 0.7 update that includes lots of cool stuff, including: Sev­er­al new Plan­ets and Moons, for a total of 14 Celes­ti­al Bodies. Mul­tiple game saves support. Tutori­als and Scenarios. Sev­er­al new Parts, includ­ing a NERVA Engine. Intern­al Cock­pit Views on…

  • Not an April Fools Joke: Trainz for iPad

    Ever since the Apple II days, I’ve been a flight sim­u­lat­or geek. I’ve always been inter­ested in avi­ation, but due to my less-than-per­fect eye­sight, a career as a pilot was­n’t in the cards. But that did­n’t dim my interest in avi­ation. And giv­en my interest in com­puters & tech­no­logy, it seemed nat­ur­al that I’d grav­it­ate…