Tag: Review

  • How to use a webcam as a home security camera

    Over the years as I’ve acquired vari­ous bits of hard­ware, I’ve some­how ended up with a few ‘extra’ web­cams. Not really want­ing them to lan­guish in my parts bin, I figured I’d take a stab at set­ting them up as home secur­ity cam­er­as. And, I wanted to check out what my dogs were up to…

  • 2 More Simple Home Backup Solutions

    photo cred­it: nick­wheel­eroz With the fin­an­cial crisis swirl­ing around this week, I took anoth­er look at ways I keep my data safe. To best achieve this, off­s­ite backups are a must. Should my com­puters become dam­aged or stolen, my data is still secure. I’ve writ­ten before about Mozy, an effect­ive auto­mated online backup sys­tem, but…

  • From the ‘so simple why didn’t I think of it’ category

    A friend of mine poin­ted me to this bril­liant post (via iPhone Cent­ral) The concept is simple; Scan the front and back of all your bar­coded mem­ber­ship cards, and carry them around in your iPhone. To test it out I went to the loc­al hard­ware store and asked the girl behind the counter if she could…

  • It’s tiny, cool, and giving me an administration headache

    Recently we’d picked up an ASUS eee PC as a replace­ment for my ill Com­paq R3200. Well, not really as a replace­ment. You see, any­time we start look­ing into a hard­ware pur­chase, Tess and I review our need for the purchase. To make a long story short, I’m inher­it­ing her cool little Dell M1210, and…

  • Latest Ubuntu release unleashes my laptop

    As some of you may know, my house­hold serv­er and my age­ing Com­paq Pres­ario R3230CA laptop both run Ubuntu. Well ima­gine my sur­prise when the latest upgrade to Ubuntu (7.04 Feisty Fawn) activ­ated the dormant WiFi hard­ware. Pre­vi­ous Ubuntu ver­sions did­n’t sup­port the Broad­com 802.11g wire­less, but judging from my happy res­ults, the Feisty Fawn…