Tag: Rescue

  • Lawnchairs in Space!

    You likely are aware that I’m a fan of the Kerbal Space Pro­gram, a very cool and fun way to safely explore the pro­cess of design­ing, build­ing, launch­ing, nav­ig­at­ing and land­ing space­craft. Yep, cool and safe. Totally unlike real­ity. Earli­er today I stumbled across this video that, while hos­ted by a Kerbal Space Pro­gram fan, goes into a…

  • Don’t forget your Tech Rescue Kit

    This time of year many of us travel home to vis­it fam­ily. If you’re the least bit of a tech­ie, you’ll likely be called in to help someone dia­gnose some sort of com­puter prob­lem — hope­fully not very ser­i­ous. But if Uncle Billy’s com­puter ‘just stopped work­ing’ and you know you’re going to be spend­ing…