Tag: publishing

  • Flipboard comes to the web — and my Gaming Magazine is featured!

    Very cool! I’ve been cur­at­ing a Flip­board magazine for a few months now, gathered a mod­est fol­low­ing, and now that Flip­board magazine is fea­tured as Flip­board makes the huge leap to shar­ing magazines on the web! On Gam­ing is fea­tured in the ‘Magazines we Love’ sec­tion of Flip­board’s Com­munity pro­filed pages. So now, you don’t need to…

  • Finally. If it’s Friday then it’s time for a video.

    Earli­er this week OK Go par­ted ways with their record label in order to have more cre­at­ive and pub­lish­ing con­trol over their music videos. Short ver­sion — EMI was not let­ting their videos be pub­lished through You­Tube. Longer ver­sion and over­view at Fast­Com­pany. Since that rela­tion­ship has ended, the fol­low­ing link to the You­Tube video…

  • Not iBooks. eBooks!

    eBooks are going to be big­ger than ever in the com­ing months, espe­cially since Apple’s recently announced its iBooks ebook store. It’s pure spec­u­la­tion on my part, but I’m think­ing that in the com­ing months with the launch of the iPad, iBooks will also be avail­able for the iPhone and iPod touch… …more This post…

  • The Tablet Cometh: Some thoughts on Apple’s announcement

    Next Wed­nes­day, Apple will host one of the most anti­cip­ated tech­no­logy announce­ments of the year, per­haps of this still-fresh decade. The reas­on for this level of atten­tion is that every­one anti­cip­ates that Apple will re-launch a device that the industry has been try­ing to make work for 20 years — the Tab­let computer. As some pun­dits…

  • The keys to the library

    Giv­en all the hype eBook read­ers are get­ting these days, espe­cially dur­ing and after CES, I thought I’d explore which was more valu­able, the data object, or the data. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.