Tag: Marketing

  • On Flipboard

    EDIT: 2 days later and my read­er­ship has almost doubled! So. I’ve got 28,000 51,000 read­ers of my online gam­ing magazine — a Flip­board titled On Gam­ing. Holy Cow!!!! When I star­ted my Flip­board I had nev­er real­ized it would become this suc­cess­ful. I’m totally humbled and blown away. What’s a FlipBoard? If you fol­low me on…

  • Cute, now with more Star Wars

    Yeah, it’s a Super Bowl com­mer­cial, and it’s got Star Wars in it, but it’s cute. And this week needed more cute.

  • Show your parents you care — tech style

    It’s highly likely that many of you, like me, are responsible for technical support of your families’ computer systems and internet connection. Earlier today I found a great little microsite (by Google) that’ll help you suppo...

  • I can haz Ikea? [video]

    Ran­dom­ness. 100 cats released into an Ikea store overnight, just to see what hap­pens. Fun!

  • Does one bad product taint the brand?

    Yes­ter­day I pur­chased a Blue Snow­ball Snow­flake USB micro­phone. I was going to use it to record some voice-overs for an upcom­ing Empire Aven­ue over­view video, but as you can guess by my use of the word ‘was’ in this sen­tence, it did­n’t happen. The Flaw You see, the mic was bad. DOA. Toast. This was…

  • A few reasons why I’ll get an iPad before Christmas — perhaps. Maybe.

    Over the last little while I’ve been fol­low­ing the news around Apple’s latest tech­no­lo­gic­al mar­vel, the iPad. Sure, at this time, only the Wi-Fi ver­sion is avail­able (and only in the US), but there’re enough news and reviews out there that it’s quite easy for­mu­late an early opin­ion — espe­cially since I already have an…

  • Finally. If it’s Friday then it’s time for a video.

    Earli­er this week OK Go par­ted ways with their record label in order to have more cre­at­ive and pub­lish­ing con­trol over their music videos. Short ver­sion — EMI was not let­ting their videos be pub­lished through You­Tube. Longer ver­sion and over­view at Fast­Com­pany. Since that rela­tion­ship has ended, the fol­low­ing link to the You­Tube video…

  • Chuck Norris — eat your heart out.

    You know, I’m thinkin’ Chuck Nor­ris could learn a thing or two from this guy. He’s got pan­ache, gets the girls, does­n’t seem to break a sweat in tight situ­ations, and occa­sion­ally drinks beer. Hat Tip to Larysa at Click­free 🙂

  • Still wondering why people follow me on Twitter

    Last year, I wrote a couple of posts explor­ing the reas­ons why people fol­low me on Twitter: Won­der­ing why people fol­low me on Twitter? The reas­ons why people fol­low me on Twitter Well a year has passed since I did that basic research, and Twit­ter has been ‘improved’ in the mean­time — revised ReTweet func­tion,…

  • Blogging is nothing to be afraid of

    Though the name Blog sounds hor­rible; per­haps the name of a large pool of dank, dark, brack­ish water that even­tu­ally spawns a mon­ster so hor­rible, only the most stal­wart of cleft-chinned her­oes could pos­sibly defeat it, Blog­ging really is noth­ing to fear. Really… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts…

  • Want to get more ReTweets (RT)?

    I just had a quick con­ver­sa­tion with a friend about ReTweets. Not enough for a full blog post, but an idea I did­n’t want to not write about. The concept is to leave enough room so that any­one who wants to retweet you does­n’t have to work to do it. Here’s a simple for­mula I use: 140 -…

  • The reasons why people follow me on Twitter

    In the pre­vi­ous post, I star­ted to answer the ques­tion “Why people fol­low me on Twit­ter.” I went through some back­ground, reviewed my tweet his­tory, and wrote a bit about my exper­i­ence using Twit­ter­’s Dir­ect Mes­sage (DM) to ask the question. This fol­low-on post gets into the actu­al reas­ons and numbers. Over the three months…