Tag: iPhone

  • Battery life of a Microbe

    My wife uses an expres­sion to describe bat­tery-powered tech­no­logy that runs out of juice before it ‘should’ — Bat­tery Life of a Flea, is how she describes it. Well, if you thought you had prob­lems with iPhone or iPod Touch bat­tery life before, the new iOS4 update will not make you happy. Accord­ing to many anec­dot­al…

  • Travel Juice for your iPhone or iPod Touch

    As I found out recently, depend­ing what you’re doing with your iPhone or iPod Touch, the bat­tery life can be adequate or very short lived. But then, I found a way to eas­ily recharge the bat­tery… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out…

  • ToDo and Do and Do

    Recently I dis­covered a nifty little iPhone / iPod app that simply keeps ToDo lists. And when you get busy, there’s noth­ing more reas­sur­ing than a good, func­tion­al ToDo list. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Grocery lists made easy — seriously.

    Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to. But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool. You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’. So…

  • My wife stole an amazing iPod Touch case from me

    Yep, the oth­er day I got this cool iPod Touch case — cool because it’s one of the Pro­porta Alu-Leath­er line of cases that I first looked at when I needed a new case for my Palm T|X. That case, a little worn, is still rockin’ though. It’s about the case This nifty little hold­er is…

  • Amazing iPhone playlist generator thingie

    I suck at mak­ing playl­ists for my iPod touch. I simply can­’t be bothered — and yeah, I nev­er really got into mak­ing mix tapes back in the day either. Which is why I was pleas­antly sur­prised that I’m start­ing to really rock playl­ists, thanks to Mood­A­gent, a cool iPhone app I dis­covered using Chomp. Simply…

  • How to view PDF files on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with DropBox

    Drop­box really is an amaz­ing com­put­ing and file shar­ing applic­a­tion. I was ini­tially intro­duced to it when I needed to eas­ily share files with vari­ous com­puters across the inter­net — and email was not an option. Recently my wife asked me for anoth­er solu­tion to view­ing PDF files on her iPod Touch. She’d been using…

  • A movie scene inspires a genre of casual games

    The movie is Ali­ens — the James Camer­on action flick that spawned all sorts of video-game and cul­tur­al cliches. But it also spawned some inter­est­ing ideas in cas­u­al gam­ing. Con­sider this scene: Ripley and the Mar­ines are bunk­ing down for the night in the ter­ra­form com­plex on LV-426. But first they have to secure the…

  • Three tech stocking stuffers

    By now you should have had all your major gifts bought, wrapped and out of the way, but what about the little things, the cool tech toys that just fit in that stock­ing, hung by the chim­ney with care. Fear not, I’ve got a stock­ing stuffer list that will help you out in these final…

  • My iPhone accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express…

    Yes it’s true. Not too far in the future, my Gar­age Sale will take cred­it card pay­ments. Cour­tesy of a neat inven­tion that you knew someone had to invent; the Square iPhone dongle. The premise is pretty simple: Plug it into your iPhone Swipe a cred­it card to com­plete a transaction Square announced the device…

  • Use It and Lose It!

    As our Amer­ic­an friends leave tur­key-day behind them, and the food filled hol­i­day sea­son approaches, I thought I’d take a look at Lose It! a well made little iPhone app. that has much more under the hood than a first glance reveals. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on…

  • Things to do with your new iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone

    Black Fri­day has come and gone, and you’ve likely got a new gad­get, gizmo or toy — I’m going to assume it’s an iPod Touch or iPhone — which is a per­fect oppor­tun­ity for me to dig into my archives and pull out a few posts that may help you and your new baby. 5 favour­ite…