Tag: Gaming

  • Checking out Rob Bartel’s Two by Two

    Fun! via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/e7rivU

  • And, there goes more free time this weekend thanks to Guild Wars 2.

    Looks like there’s a one-time-only event sched­uled for this week­end. Giv­en my lack of par­ti­cip­a­tion in the recent Hal­loween event, I’d bet­ter make sure I’m on hand to represent. Guild Wars 2: The Lost Shores is the title of it, and judging by the trail­er, it looks to be very very ‘inter­est­ing’.  

  • A book to tide me over until the next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend

    Last week­end was great fun as @tturbo and the rest of our years-old Guild Wars group jumped in to the most recent Beta Week­end event. But now the event is done, and the wait con­tin­ues for the *next* event, and I’m find­ing I need more of the world to explore. Behold! So ‘a man has said’…

  • Got to get your Guild Wars 2 Beta Fix?

    Last week Aren­aNet announced they’d be run­ning a brief ‘Stress Test’ for of their upcom­ing (and awe­some) Guild Wars 2 MMORPG. It starts in a couple of hours, and is only going to run for part of the day, today. And, it’s only open to people who have pre-pur­chased Guild Wars 2 and registered their…

  • Guild Wars 2 Open Beta Weekend Overview

    There are those who eagerly anti­cip­ate online gam­ing events. And then there’s the rest of the world. I kinda fall into the first category. This past week­end I par­ti­cip­ated in such an event — the first Guild Wars 2 open beta test. Basic­ally it was two and a half days of fresh Guild Wars good­ness! But first…

  • This movie, I want to see, if it’s ever made.

    I’m a huge Portal (and Portal 2) fan, so when I saw this fan-made pro­duc­tion mak­ing the rounds of the social media nets, I had to check it out. Wow. Watch the HD ver­sion, full screen, with the audio cranked.

  • Almost bought this, and now it’s free!

    Valve has just removed pri­cing from Team Fort­ress 2 — the sem­in­al multi-play­er first-per­son shoot­er — in Steam, Valve’s online game dis­tri­bu­tion network. Pre­vi­ously I’d been a Bat­tle­field Her­oes fan, but got busy and had little time for it. Now, with TF2 being free, and hav­ing a bit more time avail­able, I may just give…

  • Oldschool Atari games arrive on the iPad [video]

    This video review of the new (and free with Pong) Atar­i’s Greatest Hits app gives you a great over­view of the games and func­tion­al­ity. Pair it with the upcom­ing iCade hard­ware iPad arcade cab­in­et and you’ve got a winner!  

  • I think I’ve bought my last desktop computer

    A couple of years ago, I was all into and enjoyed build­ing desktop com­puters, pick­ing out the right video card, select­ing the best mother­board and gen­er­ally dig­ging deep into the innards of my future com­put­ing plat­form. And design­ing the per­fect ‘office’ com­put­ing envir­on­ment with short cable runs, ample power for my accessor­ies and lots of…

  • Oldschool Awesome — Sword and Sworcery brings it!

    With an allu­sion to a massive psy­cho­lo­gic­al exper­i­ment, the new Super­broth­ers Role Play­ing Game release, Sword & Swor­cery, brings a new / old 8bit look to iPad gam­ing. Oh, and the game can integ­rate with your Twit­ter account, extend­ing the game­play into the Social Media world.  While I down­load the app and start play­ing (for an…

  • A Tale of Two RPGs

    Two cool Fantasy Role Play­ing Games have caught my atten­tion lately on my iPad; The Battle for Wesnoth and Battleheart. Yes, they’re both RPGs, but are so dis­sim­il­ar in their approach and exe­cu­tion that they’re not really tread­ing in each oth­er­’s space, so to speak. Here’s why… It’s Big The Battle for Wesnoth (which I’ll…

  • Spending good money on nothing, it’s not a new concept.

    Dis­clos­ure: I’m involved with an organ­iz­a­tion that has vir­tu­al goods and cur­rency  — and yes, you can exchange real money for vir­tu­al goods in it. The vir­tu­al eco­nomy is heat­ing up. GigaOm reports that Face­book Could Make $250M From Vir­tu­al Goods Next Year; make money from stuff that isn’t tan­gible. Stuff you can’t hold in your…