Tag: Firefox

  • A simple and easy way to back up your Google Docs

    If you do a lot of your work on vari­ous com­puters in dif­fer­ent loc­a­tions (as I do), con­veni­ently access­ing your doc­u­ments is important. Though I carry a 2GB USB drive every­where, I actu­ally find it easi­er to use Google Docs and store my work ‘in the Cloud’, so to speak. But, that amorph­ous blob of com­put­ing-stor­age…

  • Best music player ever. Songbird 1.1.1 now with watched folders.

    I’ve writ­ten before about Song­bird, the free, open-source music play­er based on the Moz­illa / Fire­Fox platform. Basic­ally Song­bird rocks. Well, now there’s extra-new-and-improved Song­bird good­ness as the update was released this even­ing, with the one sig­ni­fic­ant fea­ture it’s been lack­ing up ’till now — the ‘Watched Folder’ feature. To quote from the song­bird release email:…