Tag: Aviation

  • Planespotting — hardcore! [video]

    Short doc­u­ment­ary on some very determ­ined avi­ation enthusiasts. [via www.youlikeairplanestoo.com]

  • Engine Start

    Little bit of crop­ping, little bit of col­our pro­cessing, little bit of Tilt Shift. All done on the iPad. I used Cam­era­Bag, Tilt­Shift­Gen, and PhotoPal. Fun with iOS apps 😉

  • Not pushing tin. Pushing paper! [Video]

    Saw this video a week or two ago. Amazed at the amount of paper gen­er­ated for each flight!

  • Personal Indulgance: Airplanes and Photography

    Earli­er this week I found a rather cool web­site that com­bines two of my interests; pho­to­graphy and aviation. YouLikeAirplanesToo.com is a simple little Tumblr blog that pro­files inter­est­ing avi­ation photography. It’s clean, almost sparse, giv­ing all the atten­tion to the images. Which I appre­ci­ate. Maybe you will too!

  • NORAD tracks Santa with Google Earth

    If you’re online this even­ing, and hap­pen to want to keep the kids amused, then you may want to look at the latest space age tech used to track Santa tonight. No, it’s not Twit­ter. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the…