Tag: Apple

  • A few reasons why I’ll get an iPad before Christmas — perhaps. Maybe.

    Over the last little while I’ve been fol­low­ing the news around Apple’s latest tech­no­lo­gic­al mar­vel, the iPad. Sure, at this time, only the Wi-Fi ver­sion is avail­able (and only in the US), but there’re enough news and reviews out there that it’s quite easy for­mu­late an early opin­ion — espe­cially since I already have an…

  • I’m an iPad. And I’m a Courier.”

    Ah yes, the Apple vs Microsoft rivalry is heat­ing up again after this week­end’s ‘leak’ (stra­tegic release?) to Engad­get of all sorts of inter­est­ing Cour­i­er tid­bits. But what was­n’t said? Are they really aim­ing at the same audi­ence? Why did Microsoft name it after a font? …more This post is an excerpt from one of…

  • ToDo and Do and Do

    Recently I dis­covered a nifty little iPhone / iPod app that simply keeps ToDo lists. And when you get busy, there’s noth­ing more reas­sur­ing than a good, func­tion­al ToDo list. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Grocery lists made easy — seriously.

    Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to. But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool. You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’. So…

  • Not iBooks. eBooks!

    eBooks are going to be big­ger than ever in the com­ing months, espe­cially since Apple’s recently announced its iBooks ebook store. It’s pure spec­u­la­tion on my part, but I’m think­ing that in the com­ing months with the launch of the iPad, iBooks will also be avail­able for the iPhone and iPod touch… …more This post…

  • Predicting tech announcements is easy

    In the days before Steve Jobs and the Apple crew paraded the iPad around the stage in San Fran­cisco, I wrote a couple of items about the (then named) Apple iSlate / iTab­let device. In one, I lis­ted the 6 things I wanted to see in an Apple Tab­let, the oth­er, more rel­ev­ant to this…

  • Amazing iPhone playlist generator thingie

    I suck at mak­ing playl­ists for my iPod touch. I simply can­’t be bothered — and yeah, I nev­er really got into mak­ing mix tapes back in the day either. Which is why I was pleas­antly sur­prised that I’m start­ing to really rock playl­ists, thanks to Mood­A­gent, a cool iPhone app I dis­covered using Chomp. Simply…

  • It’s the iPlatform, not the iPad

    Steve’s just announced the iPad (not the best name selec­tion in the world, but it’ll do), and after watch­ing the announce­ment event being repor­ted by vari­ous online media, includ­ing our own Future Shop Techb­log­gers, I’m struck by the impres­sion that the hard­ware is cool, inter­est­ing and looks great, but the iPad hard­ware is not the…

  • Apple Tablet prediction as a game

    So, tomor­row’s the big day that Apple lifts the veil on pro­jects under devel­op­ment and ready for release in the next year. The myth­ic­al Tab­let is likely the biggest announce­ment tomor­row, and tech­no­logy pun­dits have not been shy in pre­dict­ing what the device will have (or not). This all sounds too ser­i­ous to me, so let’s have…

  • Awesome free iPhone app creates sales for other iphone apps

    Yep, it seems odd, but a very cool crowd­sourced recom­mend­a­tion engine for iPhone apps is cre­at­ing a bunch of sales of oth­er iPhone apps. Which is good, because when there’re a lot of apps to choose from — a sol­id tool (not tied to the Apple Store recom­mend­a­tion sys­tem, which has been gamed in the…

  • How the Apple Tablet can really succeed

    Giv­en that Apple isn’t really pay­ing atten­tion to my mus­ings, I’m rather free to go on about things I *think* they can do to make their products, and make them better. I’ve been fol­low­ing Apple’s tab­let designs since the New­ton Mes­sage pad. An inter­est­ing device, yet not very practical. I’m com­pletely smit­ten by my iPod…

  • 6 Things I want to see in an Apple Tablet

    Giv­en the excitement/buzz/hype around the ‘poten­tial’ Apple Tab­let announce­ment this Wed­nes­day, I thought I’d add to the Apple Tab­let word­count by list­ing a few things I’d like to see in this cur­rently-myth­ic­al device. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post…