Tag: Apollo

  • This weekend get your Space Geek on!

    Sat­urday Septem­ber 18th is first Inter­na­tion­al Observe the Moon Night, fall­ing con­veni­ently before Inter­na­tion­al Talk like a Pir­ate Day, but I digress matey, arrr. Inter­na­tion­al Observe the Moon Night is about get­ting out­side in the cool even­ing air and tak­ing a look at the biggest celes­ti­al object with­in a few mil­lion miles: The Moon. And…

  • Cool & free Space Race icons

    I found these nifty free icons while surf­ing this morn­ing, and am think­ing they’re the per­fect com­ple­ment to some of my space themed desktop images I use. If you’re inter­ested, here a quick list of my desktop image posts: Atlantis on the sun — desktop Earth­rise — desktop And check out these icons at The Icon Fact­ory.…