Search results for: "hack"

  • Android, Blackberry or iPhone? Which is right for you.

    Earli­er today I dropped in to the CityTV’s Break­fast Tele­vi­sion set to chat about the three main types of data phones. Basic­ally we were look­ing at the data phones, and the types of people who each type of phone is best suited for — or not suited for 🙂 Here’s my notes from the early morn­ing chat:…

  • This is the week that was

    Busy busy week! Cool new innov­a­tion both from Google and from a guy that hacked a Google-like thing togeth­er in 3 hours. Also some shady deal­ings in Farm­Ville, and some new dates from Microsoft and Apple… …more This post of is one of many I pub­lish weekly at the Future Shop Techb­log. Read more of my stuff…

  • If it’s everywhere, is it special?

    Once upon a time, not too long ago, in the lat­ter part of the last cen­tury — say the 60’s and 70’s, con­sum­ing media was clumsy and cum­ber­some. It seemed that you had to make a spe­cial appoint­ment with your hard­ware to listen to the latest band or show some friends your latest pho­tos. You…

  • Four solid tech-news sites I use regularly

    Back in the early days of blog­ging, before pod­cast­ing and Twit­ter and all this new fangled stuff, there was a trend amongst blog­gers to occa­sion­ally do posts about the sites that have all the cool tech list­ings and news, as well as the cool people behind the sites. These days, on Twit­ter, that kind of a…

  • Things to do with your new iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone

    Black Fri­day has come and gone, and you’ve likely got a new gad­get, gizmo or toy — I’m going to assume it’s an iPod Touch or iPhone — which is a per­fect oppor­tun­ity for me to dig into my archives and pull out a few posts that may help you and your new baby. 5 favour­ite…

  • Friday the 13th: Refuge in the backup

    Ok, it’s a lousy title for a movie, but it is a great remind­er to review and execute your data backup strategies, both at home and online. Why Fri­day the 13th? Simply, it’s a day-date com­bin­a­tion that hap­pens infre­quently, almost ad-hoc. When it does occur, you can eas­ily plan to take time out to per­form your…

  • Old school dungeon crawling on the iPhone

    Last week Torch­light was released. Future Shop Techb­log­ger Mat­thew Kumar wrote a great over­view of the game. But there was a time, way back in the last cen­tury, when sim­il­ar com­puter games were played without the bene­fit of 3D graph­ic cards, Dolby Sur­round Sound, or mice and gamepad macro pro­gram­ming applic­a­tions. Strap your­self into the…

  • Essential things to do before upgrading to Windows 7

    Win­dows 7 is on its way so I thought I’d doc­u­ment some steps to take to pre­pare for a Win­dows 7 upgrade. Depend­ing on the state of your cur­rent com­puter and the ver­sion of Win­dows you’re cur­rently run­ning, your Win­dows 7 upgrade could con­sist of: in-place upgrade over top of your exist­ing OS (Only sup­por­ted for…

  • Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. Hyped DNS Exploit reporting helping or hurting?

    photo cred­it: kevin­dooley Head­line: Research­ers unleash DNS attack code Head­line: Vul­ner­able to a DNS cache pois­on­ing at home? Head­line: Attack Code Released for New DNS Attack First off. This is a ser­i­ous issue, make no doubt about it. But is the report­ing hype sur­round­ing this exploit appro­pri­ate? Here’s some quotes of that hype: Yes­ter­day’s exploit, explained Storms,…

  • Tweaking your FeedBurner / FeedSmith plugin to support WordPress 2.5+ tag feeds (easy!)

    photo cred­it: mag­bag Sorry for the über tech in this post, but I thought this was a simple fix that any­one run­ning a Word­Press 2.5+ blog could do if they wanted to enable ‘Tag Feeds’. Before I get into the how, let’s explore the why briefly. Some back­ground: Feed­burn­er is the ser­vice I (and many many…

  • Can’t get Guitar Hero III for the Wii? Frets on Fire will ease your pain.

    My wrists are cramp­ing. The key­board was not designed to be used like this, but I’m hav­ing a blast! Damn you Frets on Fire! I’ve been look­ing for­ward to get­ting Gui­tar Hero III for the Wii since before Christ­mas. But, as any­one not liv­ing under a rock will know, GH3 has been sold out every­where…

  • New Flight Simulator on the block…inside Google Earth?

    Yep, late last week the boffins at Google updated Google Earth. The flag­ship fea­ture was the addi­tion of Google Sky, an astro­nomy map­ping feature. Also included was a little-known Flight Sim­u­lat­or. Very cool! While not tech­nic­ally on par with Flight Sim­u­lat­or X as far as actu­al sim­u­la­tion, the coolest fea­ture is the use of Google’s satel­lite…