Category: Web

  • Jott now offering local Canadian phone numbers

    I’ve wanted to post about Jott before, but have held off because this cool tech­no­logy was­n’t avail­able out­side of Toronto. Con­trary to pop­u­lar opin­ion, many Cana­dians live in towns, vil­lages and cit­ies oth­er than Toronto.  To bring you up to speed quickly, Jott is a tele­phone-based voice-mes­sage-to-text ser­vice that util­izes human and voice recog­ni­tion tech­no­logy…

  • Logitech G15 Keyboard upgrade (v1 — v2)

    After a lengthy email exchange with Logit­ech cus­tom­er sup­port (star­ted Octo­ber 22, 2007), I’ve just received my replace­ment Logit­ech G15 key­board (affil­i­ate link). The key prob­lem (par­don the pun) was that the black paint on a few of the keys was wear­ing off, allow­ing the back­light­ing to shine through obscur­ing any key let­ter­ing. This key­board was…

  • What ever happened to Digital Research?

    Cool (and lengthy) video from the Scobleizer (Robert Scoble). It runs almost an hour, but the enga­ging sub­ject and inform­a­tion make it fly by. This is still the biggest busi­ness story in the tech industry. It is one that busi­ness school stu­dents will study for a long time.  It?s a story of arrog­ance. Leg­al mis­judg­ments. Mis­judging the…

  • Spock: Live long and prosper

    Anoth­er day, anoth­er beta with invites. Today we’re offer­ing some invites for Spock: Spock is the online lead­er in per­son­al search, help­ing users find and dis­cov­er people. With over one hun­dred mil­lion people already indexed and mil­lions added every day, Spock is build­ing the broad­est and deep­est people spe­cif­ic search engine. Want a Spock invite? Then…

  • Free blogging statistics even free-er

    Feed­burn­er has giv­en the blog­ging com­munity a great present today; Feed­burn­er Pro is now free. One of the many bene­fits that Feed­Burn­er pub­lish­ers will enjoy now that Feed­Burn­er is part of the Google fam­ily is a little some­thing we like to call, “more for free!” Begin­ning today, two of Feed­Burn­er­’s pre­vi­ously for-pay ser­vices, Total­Stats and MyBrand,…

  • NOT an iPhone simulator

    An enter­pris­ing com­pany has developed a handy little applic­a­tion that will aid web­site developers when cre­at­ing sites for Apple’s upcom­ing iPhone. But, to be clear, this is not an iPhone simulator: iPhoney is not an iPhone sim­u­lat­or but instead is designed for web developers who want to cre­ate 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320)…

  • Web Dogma — is it still relevant?

    Last year I linked to an inter­view with Eric Reiss over at Boxes and Arrows. The inter­view explores the thoughts that went into cre­at­ing the Web Dogma: Web Dogma 2006 Any­thing that exists only to sat­is­fy the intern­al polit­ics of the site own­er must be eliminated. Any­thing that exists only to sat­is­fy the ego of the design­er…