Category: Web

  • Merging domains — important things to consider when you feel the urge to merge

    photo cred­it: Kev­in Steele A friend recently asked me for a bit of advice regard­ing mer­ging two cor­por­ate domains. Two organ­iz­a­tions, with sim­il­ar or com­pli­ment­ary lines of busi­ness are now one. What to do about the left-over web­sites. A quandary. Below I’ve out­lined 6 areas to con­sider, but I’m get­ting ahead of myself. I guess…

  • WordPress 2.6 is out — and you’re using it now.

    photo cred­it: purple­lime It was a fairly pain­less update (thanks to the Word­Press Auto­mat­ic Upgrade plu­gin), but there were a few quirks I’ve had to address: Avatars. WP 2.6 has much bet­ter sup­port for Avatars (images used to identi­fy authors of com­ments). But, my theme does­n’t nat­ively sup­port them so I’ve had to main­tain use…

  • How to *really* know your blog is successful (or not)

    Hey! How’ya doin’!There are many ways to define your blo­g’s suc­cess; Hits, Links, Track­backs, Com­ments, PageR­ank, Sub­scribers, etc. These are all good indic­at­ors of activ­ity. Your blog is busy. You’re get­ting a lot of pageviews. People are hit­ting and read­ing and crawl­ing the pages and posts of your blog. All is good, accord­ing to the…

  • Gerry McGovern Masterclass — essential content for content managers (part three)

    photo cred­it: iDream_in_Infrared Part three: The good, the bad, and the content developer. This is the third part of an inter­view with Krista Vie­ira, my co-work­er and recent attendee of Gerry McGov­ern’s Mas­ter­class for web con­tent pro­fes­sion­als. Part one focuses on know­ing your audi­ence. Part two is about keywords, care­words and focus. In this part,…

  • Gerry McGovern Masterclass — essential content for content managers (part two)

    photo cred­it: Thomas Hawk Part Two: Words, Carewords, and Focus This is the second part of an inter­view with Krista Vie­ira, my co-work­er and recent attendee of Gerry McGov­ern’s Mas­ter­class for web con­tent pro­fes­sion­als. Part one focused on know­ing your audi­ence (good advice for any com­mu­nic­at­or). In this part, Krista talks about care­words and focus­ing on…

  • Gerry McGovern Masterclass — essential content for content managers (part one)

    photo cred­it: Dav­id Ascher Recently a col­league atten­ded the Gerry McGov­ern Mas­ter­class on web­site con­tent management. For those of you not schooled in the eso­ter­ic yet not-so-obscure art of web­site con­tent man­age­ment, Gerry McGov­ern is an industry-lead­ing Guru. People tend to listen to what he has to say, even if they can­’t con­vince their organ­iz­a­tions…

  • How to spice up your online identity with Gravatars

    If you’ve ever read a post on a blog and noticed a small photo or image asso­ci­ated with each author, or asso­ci­ated with authors of com­ments, then you’ve seen an ‘avatar’. A few years ago, Gravatar launched as a way to allow people to store an avatar in a single loc­a­tion, and it would auto­mat­ic­ally…

  • Engaging in ‘high risk’ activity — moving my blog

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and move my blog to a more tra­di­tion­al .com domain type (rather than the .net that I cur­rently use). I’m going to keep the .net domain for more eso­ter­ic things, private devel­op­ment serv­er, etc. If you’re read­ing this on the old blog (, then please jump over to the new…

  • Engaging in ‘high risk’ activity — moving my blog

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and move my blog to a more tra­di­tion­al .com domain type (rather than the .net that I cur­rently use). I’m going to keep the .net domain for more eso­ter­ic things, private devel­op­ment serv­er, etc. If you’re read­ing this on the old blog (, then please jump over to the new…

  • Password management is not a simple task, for me that is

    I’m hav­ing trouble keep­ing track of all my online pass­words. Being the good little net / social media junkie that I am, I tend to sign up for every demo or beta that there is…just to try them out.  Here’s the prob­lem: they all want a pass­word. I’m lazy. I give them all the same, dis­pos­able…

  • 3 things I learned when my WordPress blog crashed.

    This week my blog crashed. It could have been a mess, but due to foresight, para­noia, and a lot of good advice from oth­er blog­gers, it was actu­ally a pretty simple recov­ery process. But, without some essen­tial plu­gins and basic know­ledge, it all would have been lost. So here’s the what and why of what…

  • Are Canadian telemarketers quaking in their boots? Maybe.

    My pos­i­tion: tele­market­ing is annoy­ing and should be elim­in­ated. DO NOT WANT! My reas­on­ing: I did not ask for the call; hence it is an intru­sion. It uses up my resources (time) without my request or approv­al. I did not ask for you to call me offer­ing a home secur­ity audit for an alarm com­pany. My…