Category: Social Media

  • 3 Top Tools To Tame Twitter

    photo cred­it: Thomas Hawk As Twit­ter moves into its more mature phase, a num­ber of Twit­ter util­it­ies have emerged, some good, some not so good. I’m an early adop­ter and a daily Twit­ter user and have exper­i­mented with many Twit­ter tools over time. Please feel free to  fol­low me but without fur­ther blath­er, here’s my…

  • A fast and fun way to mockup almost anything

    Online Mockups…easy! Part of the reg­u­lar web devel­op­ment cycle is the user inter­face mockup. I’ve worked with many dif­fer­ent tools includ­ing Google Sketch­up and Adobe Pho­toshop to build rep­res­ent­a­tions for clients. But noth­ing has been as quick, easy, and fun as Bal­samiq Mockup, and online (and desktop/offline) user inter­face mockup tool for PC, Mac and Linux.…

  • Lesson learned: Relying on one of anything is bad (Gmail Down)

    Well it’s been just over a year since this post was writ­ten, and Google’s Gmail is down again in a most sig­ni­fic­ant way. Looks like folks on Twit­ter are pretty vocal about it this time too! And it seems that this post is still rel­ev­ant, sadly. I’ve re-opened the com­ments on this one as some…

  • I love mashing technology! (freebies)

    Moo + Linked­In = Free Busi­ness Cards I’ve writ­ten before about Moo (cards & stick­ers) and Linked­In (the busi­ness social net­work), but this is the first time I’ve writ­ten about both in the same post. Short story. Moo is let­ting you make 50 of their beau­ti­ful photo-enhanced busi­ness cards for free! It’s really mashup2 Moo itself is…

  • WordPress 2.6 is out — and you’re using it now.

    photo cred­it: purple­lime It was a fairly pain­less update (thanks to the Word­Press Auto­mat­ic Upgrade plu­gin), but there were a few quirks I’ve had to address: Avatars. WP 2.6 has much bet­ter sup­port for Avatars (images used to identi­fy authors of com­ments). But, my theme does­n’t nat­ively sup­port them so I’ve had to main­tain use…

  • LinkedIn explained for the common folk!

    Every time someone asks me to explain why I use and pro­mote Linked­In, it seems I have a good 15 or 20 minute con­ver­sa­tion com­ing. Then they invari­ably want to check out my pro­file and see who I’m Linked­In to. Now I’ll just point them to this excel­lent Com­mon­Craft video. Simple, easy to under­stand, and enter­tain­ing. And…

  • How to *really* know your blog is successful (or not)

    Hey! How’ya doin’!There are many ways to define your blo­g’s suc­cess; Hits, Links, Track­backs, Com­ments, PageR­ank, Sub­scribers, etc. These are all good indic­at­ors of activ­ity. Your blog is busy. You’re get­ting a lot of pageviews. People are hit­ting and read­ing and crawl­ing the pages and posts of your blog. All is good, accord­ing to the…

  • Tweaking your FeedBurner / FeedSmith plugin to support WordPress 2.5+ tag feeds (easy!)

    photo cred­it: mag­bag Sorry for the über tech in this post, but I thought this was a simple fix that any­one run­ning a Word­Press 2.5+ blog could do if they wanted to enable ‘Tag Feeds’. Before I get into the how, let’s explore the why briefly. Some back­ground: Feed­burn­er is the ser­vice I (and many many…

  • Content Management Solutions: Upcoming series on Gerry McGovern’s web writing masterclass

    photo cred­it: visu­alpan­ic *** Update *** Oversite on my part, here’s some links to the art­icles in the series directly: Part One Part Two Part Three Key Mes­sages This brief post is just to let you know that I’ll be tak­ing a road less trav­elled this week by intro­du­cing an inter­view series with a cool…

  • More cool sites from the Blogging Pack

    photo cred­it: Brett L. It’s been a busy week, but I’ve always made time to vis­it some sites (and Digg/Stumble posts) with­in the Blog­ging Pack, which I describe in pre­vi­ous post. Only two sites pro­filed today…but they’re chock full of bloggy-good­ness. Enjoy. Remark­ab­log­ger - Remark­able Blog Con­sult­ing and Coach­ing. An inter­est­ing fol­low on Twit­ter, and even…

  • How to find new things to read online…use the Human Filter!

    photo cred­it: pho­to­pia / HiMY SYeD I’m an inform­a­tion junkie. I also share a lot of what I find with cowork­ers, friends, etc. So when people ask me where I dig this stuff up I often respond “just found while surf­ing” or “in my RSS feed”. I usu­ally only pass on what I think is good.…

  • Just how easy can publishing on a WordPress blog get?

    Image via Wiki­pe­dia Very easy. Ridicu­lously easy. Deli­ciously easy! Zemanta is a word­press plu­gin that works on the admin­is­trat­or side. Basic­ally, it ana­lyzes your post con­tent, then starts recom­mend­ing images (like the one to the right) and links to oth­er art­icles based on your post content. As well, when you set it up with your…