Category: Social Media

  • Testing a new plugin suite — Shortcake Bakery

    Short­cake Bakery uses the Short­cake plu­gin and extends use of Word­Press short­codes. Makes embed­ding con­tent in my blog pretty easy.   [face­book url=“”] The above video link from Face­book via the Short­cake Bakery. Last week, Daniel Bach­huber and the engin­eer­ing team at Fusion releasedShort­cake Bakery, a plu­gin that extends the Short­cake pro­ject to sup­ply a…

  • Currently Free: iOS Skullduggery! (was $4.99)

    Cur­rently Free: iOS Skulldug­gery! (was $4.99) — — Brad Gri­er (@bgrier) Decem­ber 17, 2014

  • Cold & Starving

    I felt like play­ing at lunch and this is the res­ult. Ori­gin­al image is a screen shot from the early-access sand­box ver­sion of The Long Dark — a sur­viv­al game. I pushed the screen shot through the iOS app Water­logued, then into anoth­er iOS app to make the album cov­er — Vinyl­izeMe. I kinda like the…

  • Goodbye Apple. Hello Alberta School of Business!

    I guess it’s about time I men­tion it broadly, rather than simply hint at it or just let a few folk know. As of the end of the month, I’ll be leav­ing my very cool and amaz­ing world-class fam­ily at Apple retail and join­ing the team at the Alberta School of Busi­ness at the Uni­ver­sity of…

  • On Flipboard

    EDIT: 2 days later and my read­er­ship has almost doubled! So. I’ve got 28,000 51,000 read­ers of my online gam­ing magazine — a Flip­board titled On Gam­ing. Holy Cow!!!! When I star­ted my Flip­board I had nev­er real­ized it would become this suc­cess­ful. I’m totally humbled and blown away. What’s a FlipBoard? If you fol­low me on…

  • Godspeed Commander Hadfield

    Cana­dian astro­naut, space enthu­si­ast, edu­cat­or, social media sen­sa­tion, and now enter­tain­er? Yep, those are just a sampling of the roles that Com­mand­er Chris Hadifeld ful­filled dur­ing his 146 day post­ing to the ISS as Sta­tion Commander. His Soy­uz cap­sule returns to Earth tomor­row even­ing, but as a last sur­prise, the Com­mand­er released this video rework­ing of…

  • So. Google’s shutting down Google Reader

    Frankly I’d not thought about my RSS read­ing pro­cess in a while. I use NetVibes (pic­tured above) as my main read­er, and it’s been pretty stable up until today; they pos­ted a note say­ing they’re deal­ing with an influx of new mem­bers — likely emig­rants from Google Reader. I like NetVibes because it gives me…

  • A better mobile eBook reader?

    It’s been a while since I took a look at what’s cool in the mobile eBook read­er space, as I’ve been quite sat­is­fied with my cur­rent read­ing apps (GoodRead­er for PDFs, Stanza for ePubs) and their use with Cal­ibre (a must-have eBook lib­rary man­age­ment pro­gram). So today I’ve installed Read­Mill — a ‘social’ eBook read­er…

  • Hashable is shutting down

    Long time Twit­ter ‘access­ory’ Hash­able is finally out of beta, and clos­ing down effect­ive July 25th 2012, accord­ing to an email I received late yesterday: Dear Hash­able Users, We regret to inform you that the Hash­able mobile apps and will be shut­ting down on July 25th. The ser­vice will be unavail­able after this date. While we…

  • Love Skyrim? Love creative music videos? Then this video’s for you!

    So, I’ve been watch­ing the amaz­ing work of Peter Hol­lens for a while now, both through Empire Aven­ue and his You­Tube chan­nel. And this Skyrim theme cov­er is some of his best. And yes, I’m writ­ing about it because it hits a few areas for me, multi-voice tracks, video gam­ing, soundtracks. Oh, and it also…

  • I’m Moving to Empire Avenue!

    This likely won’t come as a shock to many of you; I’ve been invited to go work on Empire Aven­ue. Of course, I said yes. Start­ing Thursday, Septem­ber 1st, my role will be, as with any star­tup, kinda fuzzy to begin with. Offi­cially I’ll be the Dir­ect­or of Social and Com­munity Man­age­ment. In real­ity, I’ll be…

  • Many flavours of RSS readers for iPad

    Earli­er today Feedly was rein­tro­duced to the iPad iOS world with sig­ni­fic­ant buzz — Robert Scoble pro­filed the read­er (check the video below). One of the not­able things about Feedly is its HTML 5 base — which allows the major­ity of func­tions to be device agnost­ic (Android, Win­dows Phone, etc). But on iOS devices, there are…