Category: Opinion

  • Kobo eReader updated — much better!

    Though it’s a great device, I’ve always been a little dis­ap­poin­ted with my Kobo eRead­er. Sure, I got the cool black one, and it will let me read my ebooks, but the read­ing exper­i­ence was nev­er that pol­ished. It’s almost as if the soft­ware run­ning the eRead­er was unfinished. Some of the things that annoyed…

  • Battery life of a Microbe

    My wife uses an expres­sion to describe bat­tery-powered tech­no­logy that runs out of juice before it ‘should’ — Bat­tery Life of a Flea, is how she describes it. Well, if you thought you had prob­lems with iPhone or iPod Touch bat­tery life before, the new iOS4 update will not make you happy. Accord­ing to many anec­dot­al…

  • Office 2010 Reviews coming soon, I promise..

    Today’s the day that Microsoft’s update to the ven­er­able Office pro­ductiv­ity suite is avail­able world wide, for pur­chase — the beta has been avail­able for over a year as an extens­ive pub­lic release / test. But I’ve not used Microsoft Office on my home com­puters since early 2000, elect­ing to go with Open Office and Google…

  • Point and shoot — and hope you captured your subject

    Yes, this is anoth­er post about some cool tech that I took trav­el­ling with me on a recent vaca­tion to Maui. And yes, again I’m talk­ing about the Panason­ic DMC-TS2, a nifty point-and-shoot cam­era that I fell in love with in a pre­vi­ous post. This time, I’m going to talk about tak­ing the unit under…

  • I think I’m in love with a point-and-shoot camera

    If you’ve been fol­low­ing my recent flickr image posts, you’ll know that I’m not freez­ing and endur­ing the spring snow that’s hit the Alberta prair­ies. Rather, I’m bask­ing and bak­ing in the sunny trop­ic­al para­dise that is Maui, Hawaii. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop…

  • Travel Juice for your iPhone or iPod Touch

    As I found out recently, depend­ing what you’re doing with your iPhone or iPod Touch, the bat­tery life can be adequate or very short lived. But then, I found a way to eas­ily recharge the bat­tery… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out…

  • Does one bad product taint the brand?

    Yes­ter­day I pur­chased a Blue Snow­ball Snow­flake USB micro­phone. I was going to use it to record some voice-overs for an upcom­ing Empire Aven­ue over­view video, but as you can guess by my use of the word ‘was’ in this sen­tence, it did­n’t happen. The Flaw You see, the mic was bad. DOA. Toast. This was…

  • A few reasons why I’ll get an iPad before Christmas — perhaps. Maybe.

    Over the last little while I’ve been fol­low­ing the news around Apple’s latest tech­no­lo­gic­al mar­vel, the iPad. Sure, at this time, only the Wi-Fi ver­sion is avail­able (and only in the US), but there’re enough news and reviews out there that it’s quite easy for­mu­late an early opin­ion — espe­cially since I already have an…

  • I’m an iPad. And I’m a Courier.”

    Ah yes, the Apple vs Microsoft rivalry is heat­ing up again after this week­end’s ‘leak’ (stra­tegic release?) to Engad­get of all sorts of inter­est­ing Cour­i­er tid­bits. But what was­n’t said? Are they really aim­ing at the same audi­ence? Why did Microsoft name it after a font? …more This post is an excerpt from one of…

  • Grocery lists made easy — seriously.

    Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to. But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool. You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’. So…

  • My wife stole an amazing iPod Touch case from me

    Yep, the oth­er day I got this cool iPod Touch case — cool because it’s one of the Pro­porta Alu-Leath­er line of cases that I first looked at when I needed a new case for my Palm T|X. That case, a little worn, is still rockin’ though. It’s about the case This nifty little hold­er is…

  • Mama’s got a Squeezebox

    When I was offered a chance to review the Logit­ech Squeeze­box Radio, I believe my exact response was ‘hell yeah!’, because this thing exem­pli­fies a geek gad­get. But wait, it looks like an appli­ance… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full…