Category: On the web

  • Add this to my Christmas List

    If you’re a fan of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, then this book, The Mak­ing of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, had bet­ter be on your Christ­mas list this year. It’s on mine 🙂 Watch the video and find out why…

  • The Steve Jobs Way

    Tomor­row Apple will likely announce a new look and feel for the Mac­Book Air and an update (per­haps sig­ni­fic­ant) to their flag­ship oper­at­ing sys­tem, OSX. And once again, the real­ity dis­tor­tion field sur­round­ing Steve Jobs’ present­a­tions will be set to full power. It’ll be an inter­est­ing day, I’m sure. Espe­cially since Steve ripped into Google,…

  • It’s a Book [video]

    I’ll let the video do the talking. Hat tip to my friend Tim for post­ing this on Facebook 🙂

  • Huge Lego Mindstorms Robotic Chess Board [video]

    Gotta love the ingenu­ity that goes into stuff like this. It’s a huge Chess set, with the pieces made from Lego Mind­storm robots. 

  • Turning science fiction into reality. How cool!

    A few years back my wife intro­duced me to an enter­tain­ing book called Earth­web; a sci­ence fic­tion nov­el set in the near future. The book intro­duced to me a couple of inter­est­ing con­cepts that are just being real­ized in our daily life today — the first is that of a social cur­rency or rat­ing sys­tem…

  • Spending good money on nothing, it’s not a new concept.

    Dis­clos­ure: I’m involved with an organ­iz­a­tion that has vir­tu­al goods and cur­rency  — and yes, you can exchange real money for vir­tu­al goods in it. The vir­tu­al eco­nomy is heat­ing up. GigaOm reports that Face­book Could Make $250M From Vir­tu­al Goods Next Year; make money from stuff that isn’t tan­gible. Stuff you can’t hold in your…

  • Desktop, mobile or web app?

    Twit­ter is in the midst of rolling out it’s new, all-encom­passing inter­face, and I’ve been able to take a look at it in ‘pre­view’ mode. My ver­dict: quite nice, but it won’t replace desktop twit­ter apps for me, just yet. Tweet­deck and See­smic Desktop both offer great­er func­tion­al­ity than the new Twit­ter interface. Though I’ve not…

  • I can haz Ikea? [video]

    Ran­dom­ness. 100 cats released into an Ikea store overnight, just to see what hap­pens. Fun!

  • Free and good? It’s for the birds!

    Actu­ally it’s for you and me, and I’m refer­ring to the free online suite of tools that flies under the Avi­ary ban­ner. Actu­ally, it’s more than a suite of tools, Avi­ary is also a com­munity by and for con­tent creators: At Avi­ary, we believe that every­one in the world should have access to power­ful cre­ation…

  • Quartet on iPad — Sweet Dream [Video]

    Happy Fri­day! Found this earli­er in the week and decided it’d be per­fect for my cur­rent fas­cin­a­tion with iPad music apps. Four musi­cians play­ing amp­li­fied iPads as a quar­tet. Quite nice! The iPad Orches­tra from Alex Shpil on Vimeo. Oh, and the app they’re play­ing is Seline HD — I’ve not checked it out yet, but…

  • Save the world! Play Games!! [Video]

    It seems that gamers are an untapped prob­lem-solv­ing resource. In this TED talk video, Jane McGo­nigal, one of the “20 Most Import­ant Women in Video­gam­ing” accord­ing to Gamas­utra, explains how this is so.

  • One way to Get Stuff Done [video]

    Anoth­er Fri­day and anoth­er video — this time deal­ing with time man­age­ment and organization. The video details how the fine folk at BlueSky­Fact­ory like to organ­ize their day and their work­load. Not exactly my cup of tea — I’m cur­rently exper­i­ment­ing with the Pomodoro sys­tem described by Tris Hus­sey on his blog. But it is…