Category: Marketing

  • Wondering why people follow me on Twitter?

    About 6 months ago I got curi­ous as to why people were fol­low­ing me on Twit­ter. Basic­ally I asked them… and then found out some rather inter­est­ing things, both about why they were fol­low­ing me and also about the evolving etiquette around Twit­ter interactions. This has turned into a two-part post. Ini­tially I was going…

  • Organized: A great thing to be when guest editing at someone else’ blog

    Last week I had the hon­our of cur­at­ing One Degree’s Week in Review. My con­tri­bu­tion: Melt­downs, Mon­it­izaton and Monks. The week in review: Fri­day the 13th edi­tion, Feb­ru­ary 2009 Quick back­ground: is one of Canada’s lead­ing online pub­lic­a­tions about digit­al mar­ket­ing, online com­mu­nic­a­tions and social media — penned by some of Canada’s most insight­ful and…

  • 5 reasons I won’t get an iPhone

    Cost. If the iPhone’s lis­ted prices were con­ver­ted to Cana­dian dol­lars, the iPhone would price out between $530 and $640 CAD. That’s way too much money for me to spend on a phone today. Yes it has oth­er func­tion­al­ity, but I’ve got that covered; keep reading. Con­tract & add ons. In the US there’s a…

  • iPhone super-detailed details leak

    The iPhone is due to launch on June 29th, and some folks are doing any­thing and everything to feed the hype. Looks like the Sales Train­ing Work­book has leaked. Tech­nor­ati Tags: iPhone, Leak, Apple, News, Inform­a­tion, Manu­al

  • How Canadians save money when buying books through

    If you’ve ever noticed the pri­cing on the back of a paper­back avail­able in Canada, you’ll notice that there are two prices lis­ted; US and Canadian. With the cur­rent exchange rate (1.064 USD -> CAD) I thought I’d run a quick ana­lys­is on pur­chas­ing four books from and, and see which would be…

  • Taking the ‘Chris Brogan’ challenge

    Well, not really a chal­lenge, but more of an oppor­tun­ity to flesh out my About page a bit by adding to it in a format that Chris sug­gests. A Quick Sketch Bio­graphy of Brad Gri­erThe thing most people know me for is…likely my pas­sion for things tech­no­lo­gic­al. Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek; I…

  • Movie Piracy: Blame Canada vs the Truth

    Once again it seems that Cana­dian atti­tudes toward Digit­al Rights Man­age­ment, Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­erty, and Copy­right are the tar­gets of Big Media.  Warner Bros. Pic­tures issued a release today that states, among oth­er things: Frus­trated with unau­thor­ized cam­cord­ing of its new releases in Cana­dian cinemas, the stu­dio said it will imme­di­ately halt all “pro­mo­tion­al and word-of-mouth screen­ings”…