Category: Marketing

  • Portal 2: Cute video!

    Yeah, after play­ing Portal through a few times, both on the Xbox and the PC, I was happy to see that Portal 2 will be arriv­ing on shelves in the new year. If this video is any indic­a­tion, it’s going to be quite fun — espe­cially with co-op mode.

  • I can haz Ikea? [video]

    Ran­dom­ness. 100 cats released into an Ikea store overnight, just to see what hap­pens. Fun!

  • It’s Computer Shopping Season — Tech Types in demand.

    It seems that around this time of year, the dog days of sum­mer, friends and rel­at­ives start pinging me with ques­tions about buy­ing new com­puter hard­ware. I’ve come to call this time of year Com­puter Shop­ping Season. My own unscientif­ic obser­va­tions of this trend have con­cluded that there’s a bit of a mar­ket­ing push hap­pen­ing…

  • Short, sweet, entertaining, and over.

    Old Spice Guy is done…for now. The Inter­net sen­sa­tion dom­in­ated this week’s social media and mar­ket­ing  buzz by provid­ing an awe­somely enter­tain­ing and enga­ging video cam­paign; the Old Spice Guy dir­ectly respon­ded to tweets and oth­er com­ments in social media ser­vices through short You­Tube videos. As all good things must end, so too does this…

  • Brown paper packages tied up with string…

    If you fol­low my Twit­ter stream you know that I’m help­ing some friends out with a very cool Social Media pro­ject called Empire Aven­ue.  We’ve got­ten a little bit of press about it lately, most not­ably this art­icle on Mash­able. I’ve not talked about Empire Aven­ue a lot on my blog as I wasn’t really…

  • Keeping the Internet safe, one browser at a time

    Microsoft’s Inter­net Explorer browser has­n’t been my daily work browser for many years, and I can­’t see that chan­ging any­time soon. There are many reas­ons that I’m not going to go into, but these days it’s mostly about what I’m famil­i­ar with. From the sat­is­fac­tion num­bers I’ve seen, IE is still quite the power­house browser-of-choice…

  • Open the Portal. Discover a new game. Yes it’s free!

    Unless you’ve not been pay­ing atten­tion to the first-per­son-shoot­er or puzzle game genres over the last few years, you’re quite aware of what Portal is. But just incase you fall into that afore­men­tioned cat­egory, let me quote from … …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop…

  • Does one bad product taint the brand?

    Yes­ter­day I pur­chased a Blue Snow­ball Snow­flake USB micro­phone. I was going to use it to record some voice-overs for an upcom­ing Empire Aven­ue over­view video, but as you can guess by my use of the word ‘was’ in this sen­tence, it did­n’t happen. The Flaw You see, the mic was bad. DOA. Toast. This was…

  • Fat lady sings. Winners announced soon.

    Thus endith my first blog con­test. And a very cool ride it was. My good friends at Click­free, a Cana­dian backup tech­no­logy com­pany, agreed to provide the prizes (Click­free Trans­former SE) for a blog con­test chal­len­ging folks to provide there best (or worst I guess) backup hor­ror story. I’ve received some rather good entries. Check out the…

  • Getting a handle on influence and online content creation

    As you may be aware, espe­cially if you’ve been blas­ted by my twit­ter stream recently, I’m help­ing some friends out with the Empire Aven­ue beta. I’ve writ­ten before about Social Media and the Power of Influ­ence, but today I’m going to talk about a few things I’ve learned over the last few weeks. A few things…

  • Finally. If it’s Friday then it’s time for a video.

    Earli­er this week OK Go par­ted ways with their record label in order to have more cre­at­ive and pub­lish­ing con­trol over their music videos. Short ver­sion — EMI was not let­ting their videos be pub­lished through You­Tube. Longer ver­sion and over­view at Fast­Com­pany. Since that rela­tion­ship has ended, the fol­low­ing link to the You­Tube video…

  • I’m an iPad. And I’m a Courier.”

    Ah yes, the Apple vs Microsoft rivalry is heat­ing up again after this week­end’s ‘leak’ (stra­tegic release?) to Engad­get of all sorts of inter­est­ing Cour­i­er tid­bits. But what was­n’t said? Are they really aim­ing at the same audi­ence? Why did Microsoft name it after a font? …more This post is an excerpt from one of…