Category: Blogging

  • Tweaking your FeedBurner / FeedSmith plugin to support WordPress 2.5+ tag feeds (easy!)

    photo cred­it: mag­bag Sorry for the über tech in this post, but I thought this was a simple fix that any­one run­ning a Word­Press 2.5+ blog could do if they wanted to enable ‘Tag Feeds’. Before I get into the how, let’s explore the why briefly. Some back­ground: Feed­burn­er is the ser­vice I (and many many…

  • Key Messages from the Gerry McGovern Masterclass, Ottawa, May 5–6, 2008

    photo cred­it: dandy_fsj To wrap up this inter­view series with Krista Vie­ira, we’re fea­tur­ing the Key Mes­sages gen­er­ated by con­fer­ence attendees. If you missed the inter­view series read these: Gerry McGov­ern Mas­ter­class — essen­tial con­tent for con­tent man­agers (part one) Gerry McGov­ern Mas­ter­class — essen­tial con­tent for con­tent man­agers (part two) Gerry McGov­ern Mas­ter­class — essen­tial con­tent for…

  • Content Management Solutions: Upcoming series on Gerry McGovern’s web writing masterclass

    photo cred­it: visu­alpan­ic *** Update *** Oversite on my part, here’s some links to the art­icles in the series directly: Part One Part Two Part Three Key Mes­sages This brief post is just to let you know that I’ll be tak­ing a road less trav­elled this week by intro­du­cing an inter­view series with a cool…

  • How to spice up your online identity with Gravatars

    If you’ve ever read a post on a blog and noticed a small photo or image asso­ci­ated with each author, or asso­ci­ated with authors of com­ments, then you’ve seen an ‘avatar’. A few years ago, Gravatar launched as a way to allow people to store an avatar in a single loc­a­tion, and it would auto­mat­ic­ally…

  • More cool sites from the Blogging Pack

    photo cred­it: Brett L. It’s been a busy week, but I’ve always made time to vis­it some sites (and Digg/Stumble posts) with­in the Blog­ging Pack, which I describe in pre­vi­ous post. Only two sites pro­filed today…but they’re chock full of bloggy-good­ness. Enjoy. Remark­ab­log­ger - Remark­able Blog Con­sult­ing and Coach­ing. An inter­est­ing fol­low on Twit­ter, and even…

  • How to find new things to read online…use the Human Filter!

    photo cred­it: pho­to­pia / HiMY SYeD I’m an inform­a­tion junkie. I also share a lot of what I find with cowork­ers, friends, etc. So when people ask me where I dig this stuff up I often respond “just found while surf­ing” or “in my RSS feed”. I usu­ally only pass on what I think is good.…

  • Just how easy can publishing on a WordPress blog get?

    Image via Wiki­pe­dia Very easy. Ridicu­lously easy. Deli­ciously easy! Zemanta is a word­press plu­gin that works on the admin­is­trat­or side. Basic­ally, it ana­lyzes your post con­tent, then starts recom­mend­ing images (like the one to the right) and links to oth­er art­icles based on your post content. As well, when you set it up with your…

  • Absolutely the best explaination of Social Media — Common Craft delivers, again!

    A great and simple video explan­a­tion of Social Media. Wiki­pe­dia could­n’t do better 🙂 I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz. Social Media may be the next big thing. What’s it all about? This is Social Media in Plain English. Let’s take a vis­it to Scoopville — a town that’s fam­ous for ice cream. For over 20 years,…

  • Things I learned moving my blog to a new hosting service (it’s easy!)

    Over the last few weeks you’ll may have noticed that I’ve been writ­ing and twit­ter­ing about mov­ing my blog from the .net domain to .com. A few years ago I man­aged to grab when it came open, but I’d not decided what to do with it until recently. I’d been hav­ing some per­form­ance issues…

  • Blogging at the Edmonton Public Library

    A week and a bit ago the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary launched a vari­ety of blogs. EPL does­n’t appear to use a stand­ard blog­ging tool (Word­Press, Type­Pad, etc) but rather chose to devel­op their own platform. On the top­ic of blogs top­ics, the blogs included are rather diverse, from Abori­gin­al Peoples, Com­ics, Manga, and Graph­ic Nov­els,…

  • Engaging in ‘high risk’ activity — moving my blog

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and move my blog to a more tra­di­tion­al .com domain type (rather than the .net that I cur­rently use). I’m going to keep the .net domain for more eso­ter­ic things, private devel­op­ment serv­er, etc. If you’re read­ing this on the old blog (, then please jump over to the new…

  • Engaging in ‘high risk’ activity — moving my blog

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and move my blog to a more tra­di­tion­al .com domain type (rather than the .net that I cur­rently use). I’m going to keep the .net domain for more eso­ter­ic things, private devel­op­ment serv­er, etc. If you’re read­ing this on the old blog (, then please jump over to the new…