Ello’s a thing, like the other thing, but more.

  You’ve prob­ably heard about Ello, a new, Face­book altern­at­ive that prom­ises to be ad free, and not sell your data. Sounds inter­est­ing, so I’m try­ing it out. Giv­en my recent obser­va­tions on Face­book — mostly that the stuff I share there isn’t really seen by my friends who fol­low me there, I thought I’d give…


You’ve prob­ably heard about Ello, a new, Face­book altern­at­ive that prom­ises to be ad free, and not sell your data. Sounds inter­est­ing, so I’m try­ing it out.

Giv­en my recent obser­va­tions on Face­book — mostly that the stuff I share there isn’t really seen by my friends who fol­low me there, I thought I’d give Ello a try.

Of course, it helps if my friends are fol­low­ing me on Ello too!

So if you’re inter­ested in Ello, let me know by using my con­tact form here. Include your email and I’ll send you an invite.

Read more about Ello here. And read the Ello mani­festo here!

Hope­fully I’ll see you on Ello soon!



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