
The latest image for an upcom­ing com­pos­i­tion exer­cise with Weekly­Beats. It’s fun to make the music AND envi­sion an album cov­er for the tune. Image cap­tured with my iPhone and edited with my iPad. Flight­line should be is live on the WeeklyBeats.com site Janu­ary 12th around 5pm MST now.

The latest image for an upcom­ing com­pos­i­tion exer­cise with Weekly­Beats. It’s fun to make the music AND envi­sion an album cov­er for the tune. Image cap­tured with my iPhone and edited with my iPad.

Flight­line should be is live on the WeeklyBeats.com site Janu­ary 12th around 5pm MST now.



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