On Flipboard

EDIT: 2 days later and my read­er­ship has almost doubled! So. I’ve got 28,000 51,000 read­ers of my online gam­ing magazine — a Flip­board titled On Gam­ing. Holy Cow!!!! When I star­ted my Flip­board I had nev­er real­ized it would become this suc­cess­ful. I’m totally humbled and blown away. What’s a FlipBoard? If you fol­low me on…

EDIT: 2 days later and my read­er­ship has almost doubled!

So. I’ve got 28,000 51,000 read­ers of my online gam­ing magazine — a Flip­board titled On Gam­ing.

Holy Cow!!!! When I star­ted my Flip­board I had nev­er real­ized it would become this suc­cess­ful. I’m totally humbled and blown away.

What’s a FlipBoard?

If you fol­low me on Face­book (and if not, why not? 😀 )  you likely have seen that I’ve been post­ing or cross­post­ing more art­icles to Flip­Board, a gor­geously laid out magazine format cur­a­tion sys­tem for content.


Flip­board is, quite simply, an online magazine that lets you take con­tent you find online and group it into one online ‘magazine’. Sim­il­ar to what Pin­terest lets you do with vari­ous image con­tent. Flip­board ori­gin­ally launched on the iPhone and iPad, now is avail­able for Android devices and Com­puters too. A very nifty plat­form. To quote the cre­at­ors:

Mil­lions of people use Flip­board to read and col­lect the news they care about, cur­at­ing their favor­ite stor­ies into their own magazines on any top­ic ima­gin­able. Now magazines cre­ated by our read­ers, from Nepal to Sauce and spread, can be shared and enjoyed on the Web by any­one, anywhere.


And why is it some­thing you’d want to do?
Well, in my case, I love find­ing neat stuff and shar­ing it with oth­ers. And, hav­ing a suc­cess­ful Flip­board allows me to extend the reach of art­icles *I* write by simply includ­ing them in the appro­pri­ate Flipboard.

As well, hav­ing a pop­u­lar Flip­board also enhances my abil­ity to pro­file con­tent I think is important.

So, if you’re so inclined, feel free to check out On Gam­ing, or any of the oth­er magazines I cur­ate, and let me know what you think! If you’ve got some­thing you’d like me to share with my read­ers, just con­tact me. And if you start your own Flip­board magazine, then let me know too! I’d love to have a look!


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