My device isn’t what it was yesterday.

One of the neatest things about com­puters, and now port­able com­put­ing devices (like my iPad) is that with a quick down­load, the unit’s func­tion changes. If the prom­ise of port­able tab­let com­put­ing plays out, mobile tech­no­logy will be the next big wave in the tech biz. And why not, we’re only lim­ited by the ima­gin­a­tion…


One of the neatest things about com­puters, and now port­able com­put­ing devices (like my iPad) is that with a quick down­load, the unit’s func­tion changes. If the prom­ise of port­able tab­let com­put­ing plays out, mobile tech­no­logy will be the next big wave in the tech biz. And why not, we’re only lim­ited by the ima­gin­a­tion of the application

I was reminded of this most recently when I noticed and explored vari­ety of music syn­thes­izers and ‘instru­ments’ for the iPad.

Some of these synth apps rep­lic­ate old­school elec­tron­ic sound engines of the ‘80s, and oth­er incor­por­ate new think­ing and technology.

For example, the Korg iElec­tribe and the ReBirth, which is a cool mashup of synth and sequen­cers, do check out the awe­some ReBirth video.

Korg iElec­tribe


On the non-tra­di­tion­al synth side, check out the React­able video — an amaz­ing new ‘instru­ment’ that also now has an iPad equivalent.


As well, port­able devices enable new takes on ‘tra­di­tion­al’ instru­ments. Earli­er this week a ‘Magic Fiddle’ was released for the iPad.

Magic Fiddle

And earli­er this year, a cool key­board-like instru­ment Sele­n­e­HD made waves when this video was released.

Selene HD

Obvi­ously this is only a start­ing point, but it’s kinda neat to think that one minute you could be check­ing out your friends on Face­book, and the next per­form­ing with them in a jam session.

This post of is one of many I pub­lish weekly at the Future Shop Techb­log. Read more of my stuff here.


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