Everyone’s a winner

It’s been a bit longer than I’d wanted, but I’ve finally got­ten to wrap­ping up my first blog con­test. The premise was simple; tell me a backup hor­ror story and you could win a Click­free Trans­former SE backup sys­tem. And some of you did tell me some pretty good stories. Here’s some excerpts: On Ver­sion­ing:…

It’s been a bit longer than I’d wanted, but I’ve finally got­ten to wrap­ping up my first blog con­test.

The premise was simple; tell me a backup hor­ror story and you could win a Click­free Trans­former SE backup sys­tem. And some of you did tell me some pretty good stories.

Here’s some excerpts:

On Ver­sion­ing:

Being an artist, dur­ing one of the more heated pro­gram­mer debates I took a closer look at the SVN logs and dis­covered that indeed this guy had stealth­ily checked in some­thing between our changes. Luck­ily for us, when you use a ver­sion repos­it­ory sys­tem (soft­ware or hard­ware) you can roll back your changes to a pre­vi­ously uploaded state that’s stored on the device (since all the data gets saved for each change that is made). I gave this a try loc­ally and quickly dis­covered what the prob­lem was and relayed it to the rest of the team.

On serv­er backups: 

I had a stack of flop­pies (and my broth­er and moth­er had stacks of flop­pies at their houses) that could only be read by an Osborne com­puter and that I was the only per­son I knew who still used an Osborne com­puter.… so I went out and bought a backup Osborne. And sure enough, my com­puter died a month or so later. But I thought, no prob­lem, I have my back up, and it sur­vived long enough for me to upload everything to the UofA’s MTS sys­tem. There! Backuped on a main­frame, what could be more secure than that?

On off­s­ite tape storage:

I put in a help tick­et to request the tape. Unfor­tu­nately, it’ll take three weeks for the tapes to be retrieved. Ah well, that’s ok. My reports are not a 911 and I’m just happy my data is safe. Six (6) weeks later the tapes arrive and reveal my web logs can­not be restored from the backups. Data gone.

On luck:

Next, we real­ized that no one had ever attemp­ted to do a res­tor­a­tion of the data. Upon fur­ther invest­ig­a­tion we dis­covered that it wasn’t just a mat­ter of people not hav­ing attemp­ted it but that we couldn’t actu­ally do a test restore on the old sys­tems without affect­ing the pro­duc­tion sys­tems. Had we wasted hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars in tapes in a vault that could be worthless?

Well, thanks to some great work by Larysa at Click­free, we’ve got prizes for all the con­test entrants. If you ‘ve not read the full entries then check out the com­ments on the entry post here.

Con­grat­u­la­tions! I’ll be pinging the win­ners shortly 🙂






One response to “Everyone’s a winner”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Every­one’s a win­ner — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

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