Grocery lists made easy — seriously.

Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to. But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool. You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’. So…

Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to.

But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool.

You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’.

So here’s the deal, for me the iPhone and iPod touch has not excelled at man­aging and shar­ing simple lists, like a gro­cery list. Which store car­ries what, and oh, is that what it’s really called or did you mean this. Con­fu­sion, at least for me, until we picked up (and shared via Apple’s iTunes Home Shar­ing sys­tem) Gro­ceryIQ.

Quite simply, Gro­ceryIQ is a list man­ager with a few cool bells and whistles:

  • Auto-sug­gest: Start typ­ing and Gro­cery iQ will sug­gest gro­cery items you can quickly select.
  • Bar­code scan­ning: Take a pic­ture of a bar­code with your iPhone cam­era to add an item to your list.
  • Favor­ites and His­tory: Add fre­quently- or pre­vi­ously-pur­chased items to your list with just a few taps.

Behind the scenes, Gro­ceryIQ relies on a loc­al (to the device) product data­base as well as updates which are hos­ted on the moth­er­ship —

When you’re build­ing a list, the app often calls home and tries to match the text you’re enter­ing with items it knows about. This is good, because I did­n’t know there where quite that many vari­ants on Con­densed Milk.

Anoth­er cool fea­ture, and this is where it’s neat to have the app run­ning on two devices in the same house­hold. In this case it really does improve the usab­il­ity of the app when you share it. List shar­ing — from the FAQ:

You can share your list with mul­tiple people by send­ing an invit­a­tion to sync with them. If any­one with access to the list makes a change to it, every­one’s list will reflect that change. List shar­ing can be turned off at any time and will not delete or affect exist­ing lists. You can also invite more people to share a list at any time. 

So by keep­ing your lists syn­c’d up, any­one at the gro­cery store can eas­ily see what’s miss­ing in the fridge.

And, since the Gro­ceryIQ also allows you to tag items as Favour­ites, it’s easy to build the list every week with com­monly pur­chased goods.

I know in our house­hold, since we’ve star­ted shar­ing the list, I’ve had a bet­ter suc­cess rate at the gro­cer by hav­ing a list that is actu­ally current 🙂

Oh, and this lively little app is only .99 at the iTunes App store.



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5 responses to “Grocery lists made easy — seriously.”

  1. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Blog Post: Gro­cery lists made easy — ser­i­ously. — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  2. Todd Avatar

    Being new to the iPhone world, find­ing use­ful reviews for the ever grow­ing list of apps avail­able is invalu­able to me, to help weed out the good from the bad (I’ve already down­loaded one or two rather use­less apps). I’ve seen the Gro­ceryIQ app a few times, but was nev­er sure if it was worth it or not, thanks for this review!

  3. bgrier (Brad Grier) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Missed it? Blog Post: Gro­cery lists made easy — ser­i­ously. — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  4. enormous (enormous) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Nice one! Check it out @themeyler RT @bgrier Missed it? Blog Post: Gro­cery lists made easy — ser­i­ously. — [link to post]

    Pos­ted using Chat Catch­er

  5. Brad Grier Avatar

    Thanks for the kind words Todd. I just call ’em as I see ’em. Gro­ceryIQ is one I nev­er would have thought of as an applic­a­tion I’d ever install, but it works, and makes the list pro­cess so much easi­er. Happy to share 🙂

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