Telemarketing gains another enemy — the Canadian government

Pre­vi­ously I’d writ­ten about iOp­tOut, a free ser­vice, set up by Cana­dian Law Pro­fess­or Michael Geist. Well today cit­izens of Canada are now able to register on anoth­er Do Not Call list, this one run by the government.  Mar­keters should real­ize that tele­market­ing is so 20th century. But, even with this double-double assault on tele­marketers,…

Pre­vi­ously I’d writ­ten about iOp­tOut, a free ser­vice, set up by Cana­dian Law Pro­fess­or Michael Geist.

Well today cit­izens of Canada are now able to register on anoth­er Do Not Call list, this one run by the government.  Mar­keters should real­ize that tele­market­ing is so 20th century.

But, even with this double-double assault on tele­marketers, this new solu­tion isn’t perfect.

The prob­lem is, Cana­dian law allows many exemp­tions to the Do Not Call reg­u­la­tions, includ­ing polit­ic­al parties, sur­vey com­pan­ies, news­pa­pers and registered charities.

As well, if you have a pre­vi­ous busi­ness rela­tion­ship with an organ­iz­a­tion, yep, they can mar­ket to you over the phone.

Now, here’s where iOp­tOut dif­fers from the fed­er­al opt-out service.

Under the law, exemp­ted organ­iz­a­tions are per­mit­ted to make unso­li­cited tele­phone calls des­pite the inclu­sion of the num­ber in the do-not-call registry. How­ever, organ­iz­a­tions must remove num­bers from their lists if spe­cific­ally reques­ted to do so.

iOp­tOut is a ser­vice that ‘spe­cific­ally requests’ that your num­ber be removed from tele­market­ing lists. It fills the holes in the legis­la­tion by main­tain­ing a list of organ­iz­a­tions (some of which you have dealt with in the past, banks, air­lines, etc) and once you set up your pro­file, con­tacts them on your behalf and asks for your num­ber to be removed. Simple and effect­ive. And, when coupled with the fed­er­al list, maybe even doubly so.



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2 responses to “Telemarketing gains another enemy — the Canadian government”

  1. Ethical Telemarketing is Possible! Avatar
    Ethical Telemarketing is Possible!

    telemarketing2.0 needs to be ushered in asap — it’s pos­sible to use the tech­no­lo­gic­al tools at hand ‑util­ising social net­works such as linked­in, face­book etc out­reach­ing to poten­tial cus­tom­ers via you­tube, blogs & iphone apps. The World has changed — tele­marketers need to change with it!

  2. bgrier Avatar

    @Ethical Tele­market­ing is Pos­sible! — How is it pos­sible. You men­tion tools but not how to use them. It’s like say­ing ‘People can make mil­lions using Twit­ter’, but not sup­port­ing your claim.

    Oh, and if you’re link­ing back to a ser­vice in your URL, please dis­close your rela­tion­ship to it in the post or it just looks like com­ment spam (and the link will be removed).

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