3 things I learned when my WordPress blog crashed.

This week my blog crashed. It could have been a mess, but due to foresight, para­noia, and a lot of good advice from oth­er blog­gers, it was actu­ally a pretty simple recov­ery process. But, without some essen­tial plu­gins and basic know­ledge, it all would have been lost. So here’s the what and why of what…

This week my blog crashed. It could have been a mess, but due to foresight, para­noia, and a lot of good advice from oth­er blog­gers, it was actu­ally a pretty simple recov­ery process.

But, without some essen­tial plu­gins and basic know­ledge, it all would have been lost. So here’s the what and why of what I’d learned the day my blog crashed.

Daily backup is your friend — the most import­ant thing you can do for your Word­Press blog is down­load and install the Word­Press Data­base Backup plu­gin. Yes, there are many plu­gins out there (take a look at the plu­gins I use) but this one should be stand­ard on any Word­Press blog. It lit­er­ally saved my blog. Basic­ally it does what it says, cre­ates a backup of your WP data­base. Then saves it on your serv­er, or emails it to an account of your choice. The backup is actu­ally a MySQL rebuild script which you run after you’ve cleaned out your DB. Worked like a charm the first time.

Know how to run MySQL quer­ies — the above backup is use­less if you don’t know how to rein­stall it. In my case, since I’d been run­ning Word­Press since ver­sion one-point-some­thing-or-oth­er, I decided to do a com­pletely new install. What I did was:

  • Rename my exist­ing blog dir­ect­ory. This dis­con­nec­ted it from my domain name and struc­ture, yet let me have access to my ori­gin­al files for ref­er­ence when rebuilding
  • Install the latest ver­sion of WordPress.
  • Clear the MySQL data­base. This deletes all blog entries and related data.
  • Run the MySQL backup query. In my case, I uploaded it into phpMy­Ad­min, the tool of choice for man­aging MySQL databases.
  • Rein­stall plu­gins and themes. This was a great oppor­tun­ity to review all the plu­gins I had pre­vi­ously installed, determ­ine my need for them, and then down­load and rein­stall fresh copies.
  • Rein­stall sup­port­ing files and data. I copied image and oth­er sup­port files from my renamed ‘old blog’ dir­ect­ory. Cus­tom­iz­a­tions such as the ‘extern­al link icons’, default Gravatar images, etc.

Start from a clean rein­stall — as I men­tioned above, I’d been run­ning Word­Press since the early days. It’s entirely pos­sible that there was some­thing from my many tweaks and cus­tom­iz­a­tions that borked the site. So, by start­ing from a clean install, I have a new, fresh baseline.

And, since I still have my ori­gin­al blog files stored in a renamed dir­ect­ory, if I for­got any­thing in my rebuild­ing of the blog, I can eas­ily refer to my ori­gin­al and fix it up.

Photo cour­tesy PPDi­git­al



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4 responses to “3 things I learned when my WordPress blog crashed.”

  1. Austin Avatar

    Glad to hear the backup plu­gin helped!

  2. […] with every moment for situ­ations like these and I found some very inform­at­ive posts here, here and here. I request all the blog­gers to always main­tain a backup of their entire blog, a data­base backup and […]

  3. […] the Word­Press Data­base Backup plu­gin — I wrote about it recently when my blog crashed, but backups cre­ated with it are entirely suit­able for use in blog […]

  4. […] are essen­tial. Without it, you lose every bit of value you’d built. You lose your long tail. Auto­mated backups are easy to set up. There’s no excuse for not hav­ing a cur­rent backup of your […]

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